My Lo is 2mths today, and for the past several days she refuses to take more than 2 oz of her bottle. I was wondering if I could put a little bit of cereal in it to make her drink better. She doesn't spit up or anything, she just pushes her bottle away and I know she's still hungry. Suggestions please!
Re: When to give cereal?
Franco Paul born 6/4/15 at 39 weeks. Mila Francesca born 10/19/13 at 37 weeks. Both born via C-Section after 6 years of fertility treatments, disappointments and losses. Love them!!
We never fed our oldest cereal until 6 months and even then it only lasted for about 3 weeks because baby will get way more nutrition from fruits, veggies, and eventually proteins like meat or eggs( be careful with eggs and don't give them early...they are a high allergy food)...and he just wasn't interested in the cereal...didn't bother me. Good luck.
With DD, who is 2, we were advised to start iron fortified cereal at around 6 months. AAP recommends iron fortified cereal for EBF babies or iron fortified formula. It was a certain kind of cereal that my ped recommended, not rice cereal because of potential arsenic danger at the time, and we used the brand Earth's Best. I don't know what the recommendations are two years later as things always change, it's crazy, but I know I'm not introducing anything other than breastmilk until 6 months.
What you explained sounds like baby is just getting over a growth spurt. Keep a diary of how much and how often baby is eating and call your doctor if you are worried.