Valerie is our top contender right now for our baby girl's name, but the mn I really wanted to use, Kay, I don't think sounds awesome with it. Kay is my middle name, my moms middle name, and her moms middle name, that's why we initially wanted Kay.
What are some other ideas for a middle name? My other grandma's mn is Joan which both of us really don't like, and other than that there aren't any other family members we'd name our daughter after. We might still use Kay but I'd like to hear some suggestions from you ladies!
Re: MN for Valerie?
Some other ideas though
Valerie Louise
Valerie Claire
Valerie Maren
Valerie June
Valerie Eden
Valerie Lauren
Valerie Olivia
Valerie Abigail
Valerie Renee
Valerie Helena
Valerie Corinne
Valerie Dawn
Valerie Kay and Valerie Renee are my top favourites