Pregnant after 35

Intro: Hi!

Stopping by to say Hi. I'm a first time mom at 37...due in February. Feeling tired, headaches and nauseas. I'm 7 weeks and totally depressed. I'm hoping things get better as time goes by. I don't really feel up to doing much or eating much. So far, I've lost 4lbs in one month. Any tips or advice to ease me into the idea of this process would be much appreciated!

Re: Intro: Hi!

  • I lost weight the first trimester, too. I lived on Tylenol and anything frozen or sour. Have you tried Preggy Pops?
  • Congrats and welcome!  I, too, lost weight initially, though I wasn't very sick.  Mentos really helped me when I felt nauseous.

    Good luck!
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  • Welcome & yes it gets better! I'm about 15 weeks now and I was really sick at first ... Sour Popsicles worked for me too :)
  • Ginger gummy chews helped me alot...gnc sells them
  •  HI and congrats. It's my first time too and I'll be 37 when he's born..
    I wasn't really, really nauseous, but I would usually get some waves of nausea in the morning and it always helped me to eat something first thing when I woke up. (Even though I don't like eating that early) but I found it helped. They say you might be more affected by nausea on an empty stomach. I was totally exhausted the first trimester (which I'm almost out of now) but I don't know how to help that. It's starting to get better now.
  • Hi, I'm a year older and also due Feb with my first. Mainly nausea, soreness, exhaustion. Hoping second tri is better.
  • ErinkaErinka member
    I've had terrible (all day) nausea since 6 w and now I'm 11 w and it has lessened a little. Doc gave me good meds too!
  • Hi all, I am 35, FTM, due in December, about 2 weeks after I turn 36. I am RH negative. A bit worried about that. My nausea has definitely lessened since week 15, but I have yet to gain the weight I lost. I lost 12 pounds.
  • HWKIHWKI member
    Welcome! Preggie Drops helped me and they are easy to keep in your purse.
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