May 2015 Moms

Medela pump lost suction

i got a medela swing maxi about a month ago and it's been working like a dream, then i stopped using it about a week ago cause LO was consuming all my time and now that i want to use it again it had lost suction! The motor is running and there is some suction just not enough to get any milk out. I checked the membrane and all the parts, i read the manual and saw their youtube videos.

Is it a faulty machine or am i missing something?

It's so expensive i don't want to have to buy another 1 and and i think i threw out the box i didn't know there was a warrenty till i read it in the manual today

Re: Medela pump lost suction

  • ldmwldmw member
    Call medela customer service. If faulty they will replace for free
  • Try taking all the pump parts apart and cleaning with warm soapy water. Same thing happened to mine but was fine after cleaning.
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  • I had the same issue even after cleaning it. I put on new little white membrane things and it worked perfect again. I think they get stretched or just stop working properly
  • mars8kmars8k member
    I will try boiling all the parts since i clean them after every use, and mine doesn't have a white membrane, it's a big yellow 1 that i checked for tears, i have a double breast pump so it can't be that both membranes have a problem at once can it?

    I tried washing the tube but there are now some drops on water that stuck and dried there

    I don't live in the US they don't have a hotline here
  • rae430rae430 member
    I had the same problem yesterday!! I took off the faceplate and washed it, and then attached the tubing to the pump WITHOUT attaching the bottle-thingys to the opposite ends and ran the pump for 15 minutes. If there's condensation or build up in the tubing, running the pump with the tubing attached will dry everything out and clear out any blockage. When I pumped today, everything was good as new!
  • mars8kmars8k member
    Thank you ladies i took it apart, boiled the parts and it worked, i'm so relieved! I will definately keep the faceplate tip in mind for next time but i hope there will be no next time lol

    Thanks agaib!
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