My DS goes for his first round of immunizations tomorrow morning, and I am SICK about it! Anyone have experience with their little ones yet? I started watching YouTube videos of people's baby's shots and wanted to start crying myself...
We had them Monday afternoon. It honestly wasn't as bad as I expected. LO screamed bloody murder for a few seconds but with just a minute or two of consoling she calmed right down. It was harder on me than her.
I nearly cried when he got his yesterday!! He started immediately screaming. But they tried to be as quick as possible and had 2 nurses so 2 of the 3 he got were injected at the same time. After he nursed for a few minutes but it didn't help much, he literally screamed himself to sleep (20 minutes of screaming) and was fussy the rest of the day. But he is my same happy and smiley boy today. Just a little extra tired still.
(Little disclaimer, he gets his treatment at a military hospital and I swear they are rougher than most doctors, so your baby may have an easier time than mine. One of his nurses was much gentler with the shot (the training nurse) than the other.)
Good luck and just remember, it may seem terrible at the time, but you are making a good decision for your baby!
My son had his on Tuesday. The nurse was awesome and very quick about it. I nursed as soon as he was done and he calmed right down. He was sleepy the rest of the day and took 2 long naps (his appointment was at 9) which was great because he's only been taking cat naps for me lately. I didn't give him anything beforehand or after. No fever or fussiness and today he was totally fine.
We went today. She cried, I cried omg. She's been out of sorts all day - sleeping for longer stretches and crying inconsolably. We've been giving her Tylenol and that seems to help.
It went so much better than I thought. My DH went with us, and he was the one to hold his arms down. He cried for about 30 seconds, then calmed right down and was smiley and happy leaving the Drs office. We will see how today goes!!
Update: he's a little fussy and clingy now. Isn't happy in his swing, only when mama or daddy is holding him. He doesn't feel warm, so haven't given him Tylenol yet, but we are leaving to go out of town tomorrow morning (a 3hour road trip) so will bring it with us just in case!
I am a medical assistant and also have a 2 mo old that just got shots yesterday. They have found that the babies get more relief if you wait and give the Tylenol after. My little guy felt crummy most of the day but Tylenol did manage his fever well.
Has anyone nursed their baby during the shots? I've heard it sometimes helps distract them and dull the pain. My LO hasn't had his yet, but I was thinking of nursing and seeing if it helps.
My DS got them yesterday. He screamed but calmed down quickly. He didn't sleep well yesterday, last night, or today. I'm hoping tomorrow is better. He didn't eat well either. We did Tylenol after he started showing symptoms yesterday.
Anyone get theirs done later in the day? I made my appointment for 6:40pm so that DH could come with and help me out emotionally... now I'm realizing that I probably set my whole family up for an absolutely miserable night.
My DS goes for his first round of immunizations tomorrow morning, and I am SICK about it! Anyone have experience with their little ones yet? I started watching YouTube videos of people's baby's shots and wanted to start crying myself...
Who the hell posts that on You Tube? I go soon, and plan to bf through it. It's supposed to be a good diversion from the shots.
I just got close to my LO and held him and kissed him and then immediately nursed him. I only do one shot at a time, and go back after a week to get the second. Maybe it doesn't matter but to me putting that much into a newborn 10 or so lb baby isn't healthy all at once. I also pre treat with Tylenol. I am a mom of 2 and this has always worked with my oldest. It's hard to watch but it's fast!!
My DS got them yesterday. He screamed but calmed down quickly. He didn't sleep well yesterday, last night, or today. I'm hoping tomorrow is better. He didn't eat well either. We did Tylenol after he started showing symptoms yesterday.
So glad to see that you said your LO wasn't eating well...that sounds bad wishes for your cutie.... but my guys hasn't eaten a full bottle in the two days since he got his shots. It was really worrying me....even after calling the nurse. We noticed the Tylenol helps.
Our baby got her 2 month shots two days ago. She has been inconsolably crying and not eating well since. I think she is better today though. Poor girl!
I'm going today, my DD has slept way earlier than usual today and i just look at her sleeping so soundly not knowing what's waiting for her, i don't think i'll be able to sleep...
We just got home, i was expecting way worse, but thank it wasn't as bad as i imagined, i mean she screamed and cried and those screams and the shocked look on her face will haunt me. But she was sleepy so when i carried her and slowly walked her around she fell asleep. She woke up and is nursing now but she seems to have forgotten about it for now but my stomach churns every time she moves her legs and i'm dreading changing her diaper!
I hope she doesn't develop any side effects i keep praying and i even pledged 500 to charity if she doesn't! Those will be the longest 48 hours of my life!!
We had ours on Friday. I was really worried and honestly it wasn't as bad as I thought. She screamed and cried during, right after we fed her a bottle and she fell right alseep. She was a little fussy the day of, so we gave her some Tylenol. She slept great that night, and the the next day (Saturday) she took a long 4 hour nap and then a few more hour naps and went down earlier at night. Overall it made me feel so much better!
Another update, after being clingy, he slept a LOT more than usual day of shots, which threw nighttime sleeping off. Wasn't an issue changing his clothes or diaper, and he had a fever at one point of 100.2° which we gave the ped recommended amount of Tylenol, helped right away. Next day he did fantastic-back to his usual self! They gave him 3 shots and 1 oral. (Pic is of my happy smiley baby about 8 hours after his shots!)
Re: 2 month shots
(Little disclaimer, he gets his treatment at a military hospital and I swear they are rougher than most doctors, so your baby may have an easier time than mine. One of his nurses was much gentler with the shot (the training nurse) than the other.)
Good luck and just remember, it may seem terrible at the time, but you are making a good decision for your baby!
Did you guys give your LOs Tylenol before going to the appointment?
Update: he's a little fussy and clingy now. Isn't happy in his swing, only when mama or daddy is holding him. He doesn't feel warm, so haven't given him Tylenol yet, but we are leaving to go out of town tomorrow morning (a 3hour road trip) so will bring it with us just in case!
We did Tylenol after he started showing symptoms yesterday.
Any more stories?
I hope she doesn't develop any side effects i keep praying and i even pledged 500 to charity if she doesn't! Those will be the longest 48 hours of my life!!
They gave him 3 shots and 1 oral.
(Pic is of my happy smiley baby about 8 hours after his shots!)