Hi Mommies and Mommies to be! Next month I will be co-hosting a baby shower for one of my best friends. She has recently discovered that her unborn son has been diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and their whole family has a very tough road ahead. While we're planning on doing a more traditional shower, I was looking for ideas on how I can make the shower a little special to account for his condition. Could you please share ideas you may have? Thank you in advance for all of your help!
Re: HLHS Baby Shower
DS2: BFP 02/09/13 | EDD 10/26/13 | said goodbye 06/02/13
I received a handmade baby quilt with hearts all over it, even the stitching had heart designs from a group of ladies. It was so sweet that I never let her use it. I kept it as something she will have forever. Also, monetary donations in an account would be helpful as she will spend weeks - months in the hospital with her baby. Large hospitals often charge parking fees (reduced for parents, but still add up), meals (again, sometimes reduced or given an "allowance" for breastfeeding mothers), bills at home while parents are out of work, etc.
I must add that it is extremely sweet of you to want to give your friend an experience she will treasure forever.
First Son - born 2013
Third Son - due June 9, 2018