June 2015 Moms

Holy July, June Moms! Daily Symptoms 7/1

How you feeling today ladies? Since we are 'celebrating' the turn of the month - lets do a little check-in.

Who is still carrying their babies on the inside and how do your bodies feel? How far overdue are you? Any scheduled inductions or c-section plans?

For those who are carrying their LOs on the outside, how far out from birth are you? How does your body feel? Stitches in your nethers or your belly - painful? Itching? Any other aches and pains?

And of course, share your anxieties or joys. Feels are symptoms, too
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Re: Holy July, June Moms! Daily Symptoms 7/1

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  • kbbtah said:

    Inducing tonight! Hopefully I'll have a birth announcement for y'all tomorrow. Come on baby!

    Yay!! Congrats!!!
  • lwyzlwyz member
    Baby still inside. Only 1 day overdue, but I'm sore as all get out today. Probably because of walking/bouncing to try to get baby on the outside. I'll have a stretch Friday morning if I don't go before then, and if that doesn't work, get induced sometime mid next week. Hoping I don't get to the stretch cause I understand they hurt, but hey. Whatever it takes at this point.
  • 40+1 today, induction scheduled for July 8th. Only 1cm dilated and still 'hard and high' as my doctor likes to put it. I think LO rolled herself over yesterday because I had insane amounts of pressure, pain and cramping (to the point where we went in to L&D to see what was up because the cramps and back pain were compounding on themselves) and clearly I wasn't in labour.
  • 4 weeks pp as of this Friday. Had dissolvable staples from c-section...had no problems with them. Started the good 'ole bc on Monday...never taken a pill before, so I set a timer on my phone for every day. I love my little man, but I'm not ready for another quite this soon!!
  • 9 days pp and I'm feeling good! <:-P

    Went to the doctor today to check out my tear since some stitches got caught on the toilet paper and came out. All good under the hood, just a little superficially open.

    I went to target last night for like an hour and felt like my Virginia was going to fall off. Gravity was definitely working against me but it felt much better when I sat down again.

    I am loving our time getting to know each other.
  • @KarasTwin I feel like I wrote your post! I feel your pain, girl! Have you tried using a SNS system so that the 'supplemental bottle' is given while you're nursing?
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  • dear diary
    its now day 283, and im beginning to feel like this will go on forever. ive been feeling very tired all ths time, and also very snackish which sucks because for the most part we have no snacks. i wonder when things will get going.
  • 2.5 weeks pp and physically feeling great. Thankfully, I didn't have any lasting pain in the Virginia (no tearing-- woo woo). But I. Am. Exhausted. Baby takes at least an hour to eat each time, and I have to pump for 15 minutes afterward. Add that to the time spent preparing the SNS system, the storing of milk, etc and I'm just a mess. Difficult to lose the pounds or feel good about myself when I'm so dang sedentary!
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  • 2wks PP today! Feeling good, lost a good amount of weight so far, but I'm itching to get back in my pp clothes! I never did between DD and getting pregnant this time. Speaking of which, DD's 1st birthday is tomorrow! Wow.
    Feeling pretty rested, but my mom and sister have been here and helping so much! Plus, DD2 is a pretty chill baby.
  • Still pregnant... But the end is in sight! Getting induced on Friday at 9am.. Praying it doesn't take a ton of time as I will be 41+6 when I start lol. Crazy to know that she's being so stubborn as midwives and everyone didn't think I was going to even make it to my due date. I'm in trouble if she's already this stubborn :P
  • @OnWayto3 what is the SNS system? Tell me your secrets!
  • KarasTwin said:

    @OnWayto3 what is the SNS system? Tell me your secrets!

    You just need a syringe and tubing :) (in hospital we use feeding tubes) put end of tube in corner of LOs mouth while at the breast.. Have DH (or you can too) work the syringe filled with EBM or formula ... Baby sucks at breast and gets contents from the syringe
  • ^^ supplementing without giving a bottle.. :)
  • Medela has a little kit you can buy as well. We used it while in the hospital and first day home until my milk came in.
  • Still pregnant. 41+4 today - cannot believe I've come this far into pregnancy. Had a sweep today but not holding out much hope. Induction booked for Friday....

    @lwyz I've had two stretch and sweeps and I didn't even blink - no discomfort at all and I'm hardly even dilated.
  • 3 weeks postpartum today and feeling pretty good, although rather tired. I had an episiotomy and that's getting better by the day, although I still have to be careful when I wipe. I lost quite a bit of blood after the delivery which meant the first week was tough but I really feel like I'm getting my strength back now. I'm pretty pleased with my post pregnancy body so far too - I'm not quite back in my old clothes but I'm not that far off, my stomach has gone pretty flat although I need to work on my muscle tone and I don't have too many stretch marks- only on my breasts and a couple on my thighs.
  • @blodgettk we're being induced on the same day and will both be 41+6 :)
  • lwyzlwyz member
    @Addelie That's both good and bad to hear... I was hoping a stretch after full term would be a more reliable push. My doctor says he thinks I'll go on my own within the week, though. I'm not sure what he's basing that on, but I'm hoping he's right!
  • @lwyz ah sorry i only meant that they don't always hurt - even if there's not much room :) if your doc thinks you'll go that's positive - mine have always given the distinct impression that i'll need to be induced and they'll probably be right!
  • Virginias feeling "normal" 4 weeks PP today. Can't say the same about my anal. If I have to poop I HAVE TO POOP. I only had a small second degree so it didn't touch my butt but...I feel like my sphincter muscles aren't as tight (I've had IBS my entire life and could basically hold an explosive poop in for hours). I told my husband if I shit my pants he can't speak of it. He agreed.

    I know how you feel! My IBS went away during pregnancy & now my bowels are ALL crazy.
  • @krystleshel ugh I know it was glorious...I would be constipated for a few days while pregnant which was a completely new thing to me! But nope, PP everything is back with a vengeance.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • One week postpartum. Vagina feels amazing. I was surprised I could still control my muscles down there to hold my pee and what not. The kegels are awesome they sure help alot. I was up walking around a hour after birth, maybe even sooner I didn't keep track. My body was a little crampy while breast feeding and pumping for a few days. Now I feel great, like I never popped a seven and a half pound cutie out of my Virginia. Last time I felt awful for weeks. Just wish the bleeding would go away.
  • I will be 5 weeks pp tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty much back to normal and probably look back to normal to others when dressed in the right clothes. However, most of my stuff is pretty tight and it feels uncomfortable. : / My virginia is healed but I made the mistake of looking at it...and eek! It's weird and different looking. I wonder if it will ever really get back to normal? My milk boobs randomly fill up with milk all day long and every time I lean over. Obnoxious.

    Mostly doing pretty well, just tired and some back/arm pain.
  • 41 weeks on July 2... really don't want to be induced.
  • @KarasTwin The link PP gave is the SNS system I'm using. We tried the syringe approach initially, with a thin tube (just like the one in link) linking to the syringe and tucking under a nipple shield. I quickly tired of pushing the syringe and switched to this system. It is FANTASTIC! Avoids any sort of nipple confusion worries that you may have with a bottle; it does require the baby to suck so that 'regular' breastfeeding can take place when LO is more adept at sucking; and your breasts continue being stimulated (for milk supply) while also having some of it go into Baby's mouth during the feeding. Highly recommend this given the circumstances. :-)
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  • Thanks everyone who replied about sns. The past 3 feedings DH has given him bottles, 2-2.5 oz of breast milk and 1.5-2 of formula while I pump. It's going well and cutting feeding sessions in half. I feel better knowing exactly how much he's getting. We have an appointment with the pediatrician this afternoon and I have lots of questions for her, the sns option will definitely be discussed. I told DH I think more rest might help my supply as well. Not opposed to EPing, just want to make sure he's getting enough to eat and growing.
  • mellymar said:

    How you feeling today ladies? Since we are 'celebrating' the turn of the month - lets do a little check-in.

    Who is still carrying their babies on the inside and how do your bodies feel? How far overdue are you? Any scheduled inductions or c-section plans?

    For those who are carrying their LOs on the outside, how far out from birth are you? How does your body feel? Stitches in your nethers or your belly - painful? Itching? Any other aches and pains?

    And of course, share your anxieties or joys. Feels are symptoms, too

    First of all, I can't believe it's July, I swear I JUST posted how I can't believe it's June and "our month".
    LO was born June 7th (at 38 weeks), I had one Peri urethral tear in which I can still feel the stitches but no pain and minimal lochia...the main problem is my back, but I had problems before pregnancy (3 herniated disks and spinal stenosis). My anxieties are his post circumcision state (I started a thread) but it's already getting better.. Joys are just how in love with this little man I am... He is such a snuggler, great nurser, and over all sweet baby.. DH is great (it's his first) and I fall in love with him more each day seeing him with our son (sappy but true).... So in love with this little guy. I have noticed the last week or so, probably due to some blues, I got teary eyed over the thought of I miss having exclusive time with DH, snuggling HIM full time, I definitely have to share that now and am missing out on our previous bond.. but he is understanding and supportive and doesn't make it worse by saying I don't have time for him anymore, things I worried about before delivery
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