How you feeling today ladies? Since we are 'celebrating' the turn of the month - lets do a little check-in.
Who is still carrying their babies on the inside and how do your bodies feel? How far overdue are you? Any scheduled inductions or c-section plans?
For those who are carrying their LOs on the outside, how far out from birth are you? How does your body feel? Stitches in your nethers or your belly - painful? Itching? Any other aches and pains?
And of course, share your anxieties or joys. Feels are symptoms, too
Re: Holy July, June Moms! Daily Symptoms 7/1
Yesterday I had a massive terrible headache, which I was lucky enough to get to go away during one of my hour long sleep sessions overnight. Have some energy today, going to go for a drive with DH to a fishmonger half an hour away for dinner yums, also going to target to pick up a pumping bra, and I should be able to pick up a breast pump today, too (instead of borrowing a spare the LC had). So, all this together leads to me feeling fairly good mentally... Probably the first day PP where I have the combination of energy, mental stamina, and gumption to try and not just 'recover' and hunker down with LO.
Course, the day is young and I will probably crash in an hour or two, but I'm going to make sure I don't overdue it today.
I'm finally beginning to feel like "me" again. DH works third shift; so I pump a bottle every night. He feeds And takes care of LO while I sleep in for awhile every morning. It makes taking the night shift solo almost worth it.
Any tiredness I feel is nothing compared to the constant fatigue during pregnancy.
I'm feeling great, not even sure how many stitches or what degree I tore cause i never asked but recovery this time has been the easiest for me. So very grateful.
Went to the doctor today to check out my tear since some stitches got caught on the toilet paper and came out. All good under the hood, just a little superficially open.
I went to target last night for like an hour and felt like my Virginia was going to fall off. Gravity was definitely working against me but it felt much better when I sat down again.
I am loving our time getting to know each other.
its now day 283, and im beginning to feel like this will go on forever. ive been feeling very tired all ths time, and also very snackish which sucks because for the most part we have no snacks. i wonder when things will get going.
Feeling pretty rested, but my mom and sister have been here and helping so much! Plus, DD2 is a pretty chill baby.
@lwyz I've had two stretch and sweeps and I didn't even blink - no discomfort at all and I'm hardly even dilated.
Mostly doing pretty well, just tired and some back/arm pain.
LO was born June 7th (at 38 weeks), I had one Peri urethral tear in which I can still feel the stitches but no pain and minimal lochia...the main problem is my back, but I had problems before pregnancy (3 herniated disks and spinal stenosis). My anxieties are his post circumcision state (I started a thread) but it's already getting better.. Joys are just how in love with this little man I am... He is such a snuggler, great nurser, and over all sweet baby.. DH is great (it's his first) and I fall in love with him more each day seeing him with our son (sappy but true).... So in love with this little guy. I have noticed the last week or so, probably due to some blues, I got teary eyed over the thought of I miss having exclusive time with DH, snuggling HIM full time, I definitely have to share that now and am missing out on our previous bond.. but he is understanding and supportive and doesn't make it worse by saying I don't have time for him anymore, things I worried about before delivery
I don't care how bad it is though because pregnancy was way worse.
At least when I'm up now I have a baby to feed