every time my daughter poops when in her car seat, it ends up coming out the top back of her diaper. Anyone else dealing with this and know how to stop it?
DS1 did this all the time, to the point I thought maybe something was wrong! But the only thing that helped was making sure the diaper doesn't fold down any. Comes out with such force though and sometimes there's nothing that stops it. And sitting position is the worst it seems.
We have yet to have a blow out, but it seems like every time I put her in her car seat she poops. Idk if it is just because she gets so mad that she pushes if out, or if she is just trying to be difficult. Either way it can be kinda funny, and frusterating lol
We haven't had that problem yet but with my first we always had a blowout every time we took her to Target. It was crazy! Sometimes going up a size in diapers can help keep it contained. Not sure what size you are using, but that might be an option.
Agreed with PP about going up a diaper size. We haven't had any car seat blowouts but we had a number of wet sleepers when we were using new born size (DS was 8lbs and newborn was supposedly to 10lbs). We switched to size 1 and so far haven't had any issues. Size 1 goes to 14lbs and size 2 starts at 12lbs. DS was 11lbs 3oz this morning so I'm going to prep and get some size 2 diapers soon.
Re: Car seat and blowouts!
Lots of wipes and changes of clothes!
BFP #2: 7/24/13, MC: 8/28/13 @8weeks, 3days