January 2016 Moms


I'm close to 11 weeks. I am having headaches all day everyday. It's miserable I don't know what to do other than Tylenol, sleep doest help either. Anyone have suggestions?

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Re: Headaches?

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    Caffeine, a soda or small coffee may help. However your headaches may be the result of allergies (sinus pressure can cause terrible head pain) or high blood pressure. Best to check with your Dr. and see what they suggest.
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    I have been so thirsty, and if I don't drink enough water I get a dehydration headache. Chugging a bunch of water at once makes it worse. Maybe try gradually increasing your h2o intake.
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    I'm finding that drinking half a can of Coke really helps. Tylenol does nothing for me, but this seems to help. Good luck!
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    I thought I'd add that I just started getting headaches. I'm in my 12th week of pregnancy and today's was unbearable and accompanied by ringing ears. Has this happened to anyone??
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    I'm just now 12 weeks and my nausea has decreased tons in the past couple days, but looks like I changed that in for headaches. :( There isn't much that helps me... I try to make sure I drink enough and try some soda with caffeine. Blah. 
    DD 6/2007
    DS 4/2009
    m/c 11/12/2010 ~ 7 wks
    m/c 7/4/2012 ~ 6 wks
    DD 12/2013
    mmc Baby Girl 7/12/2015 ~ 14 weeks  <3
    Twin girls! 8/26/2017

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    Dehydration or lack of caffeine (especially if you were use to drinking everyday).
    I also think hormones have a huge effect. They can go both ways. I had horrible migraines prior to having my first child and after being pregnant with her they went away. I even got to stop taking my daily migraine medication.

    Try to drink plenty of water, Tylenol is ok and I would mention it to your dr at your next appt. Feel better! Headaches are the worst!
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    kgcnyckgcnyc member
    I've been suffering and just went for acupuncture and massage (be sure to tell them you're pregnant) and I feel like a million bucks!!! Tylenol, ice packs, sleep...nothing was working. Good luck and I hope it passes for us all soon - otherwise I'm just gonna move into the acupuncture office!
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    Thanx ladies. I was trying to cut the caffeen so maybe that's what it is, I do try to drink lots of water tho some days I get busy and forget I'm a mom of two others. But I think you all have helped. I'm little worried its sinuses tho, and there's just nothing you can really do for it is there?
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    AKAdair87 said:

    Thanx ladies. I was trying to cut the caffeen so maybe that's what it is, I do try to drink lots of water tho some days I get busy and forget I'm a mom of two others. But I think you all have helped. I'm little worried its sinuses tho, and there's just nothing you can really do for it is there?

    I'm not a big caffeine drinker so I don't have personal experiences of trying to quit but I do still have a pop once in awhile. I know friends who are coffee drinkers still have at least one a day with dr approval. I would try having some caffeine and see if that helps!
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