Baby Names

Help with girls names

hi ladies

I'm looking for ideas with girls names, I really like Georgia but surname is malcolm and hubby hates idea of her being called George/Georgie as surname is so masculine.

We both love Evie but I don't like Evelyn and don't know if it's just cute and she may hate it when she older.

I have no other girls names at all ahhh

Any opinions would be fab xx

Re: Help with girls names

  • I think Georgia Malcolm would be fine. If you don't like the nickname Georgie, don't use that one. Although there are always people here who tell you that nicknames can't be controlled.

    I do think Evy is too cutesie, how about Eva? Of simply Eve? You could use Eve as a given name and Evie as a nickname. 

    Or, but I think that would be stretching it, you could go for initials EV. Say, given name Elodie Vera Malcolm, nickname Evie (EV). (Come to think of it, I love Elodie Vera Malcolm. Use that one please!)


    BFP #1: Nov. '12 - Bunny born in July '13
    BFP #2: July '15 - Goodbye, Kitty


  • megewymegewy member
    I like Georgia and my daughter has two Evie's in her class. That is their name not Evelyn. I think it's cute and works for a child and an adult.
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  • Thanks ladies
  • Ohh. Eva Lynn or Ava Lynn. Similar sound but stands alone well or paired.
  • I like Evie as a nn. Perhaps go with Eva, Genevieve, or my fav Evangeline. I do love Georgia as well. You could call her Gia for short
  • I like Georgia. Evie is too cutesy for me, and it runs together with all of the Ellies. Both of those nns are just overdone. I like Eva or Eve much better. I think Genevieve seems like a good suggestion for you too!
  • Dd #1 is Georgia and I hate george and Georgie for nn to the point I almost didn't name her this BUT not one person calls her either of those names. We call her G or Georgia and those stuck enough that no one else calls her anything but those two names.
  • 4N6s4N6s member
    Genevieve nn evie
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