we love these three names and have been going back and forth for the middle name. We like Francisca for all of them but are open to others! Please pick your favorite first name and suggest a middle name for the one you picked if you don't like Francisca. TIA
Poll: which "ella"? 109 votes
I'm going to leave a suggestion
Re: Poll: which "ella"?
Pretty sure Aubriella's not a name. Adding Ella to a teaditionally masculine name doesn't make it feminine.
Seriously though, Gabriella is lovely.
Because I like name meanings, and Gabriella can mean messenger of god, I suggest Gabriella Hope, Gabriella Alexa (defender of mankind), Gabriella Ophelie (a derivative of Ophelia which means helper, but I didn't like -ella with elia).
Just for the sound and flow I like Gabriella Therese.
I'm not a fan of any of the -ella names at this point. They all get used and abused way too often these days so I would just stay away.