Stay at Home Moms

New here!

Hi! So I'm a stay-at-home mom of three amazing girls ages 5 and under (identical twins and a 19 month old). My husband has been living out of state for a job for almost a year now and will be doing this for another six months at least. My world is my girls! And I work really hard to keep everyone busy and active and happy and fed, but I don't have much of a social network (beyond the "hihowareyou" at pre-school pick-up). Just reaching out to say hello! Eager to meet you and learn about your lives :)

Re: New here!

  • Hi! Welcome, this board is pretty dead these days... there was a mass exodus a few months back. So, it's nice to see some new people taking interest again!
    I have a set of twins too :)
    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
  • aziz4aziz4 member
    Hey! I'm new here also! Im a first time mom my son just turned 5 months old!
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  • iona76iona76 member
    Nice to meet you both!! I think the summer maybe makes things quieter...I know with my three home, rare is the moment I get to sit down at the computer! 
  • ctmom1ctmom1 member
    Hello all. I am pregnant with my first. So not a stay at home mom yet. I guess I'm just a house wife with a cat until January
  • Hi! I'm kinda new. I used to lurk on here a lot & post from time to time. Life got busy so I deleted my old account. I'm only ever on late in evening/night or 1st thing in the morning as I have an almost 5 yr old, 2 yr old & 10 week baby. I do like hearing from others in the same boat as me.
  • I'm new here too and I'm excited to see you have twins too.  I work during the school year while my kids are at school but I stay home during the summer and I'm on the fence going back to the University this fall.  I used to be here on the Bump for ages until my twin turned 3 or so.  I figured it might be fun to come back.
  • Hi! I'm brand new to this board. I recently became a SAHM. I've always worked but decided to quit for a year at least because my son kept getting so sick. I'm new to it so I thought I'd pop over to see if there was any good topics to read about. I have a 6yr old and 18 month old boys. I have to say I'm enjoying it but I have a whole new respect for SAHMs now. It gets lonely, exhausting but also I miss going out by myself to do anything.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Im new here, also. Im a sahm of a precious 3mo DD. Ive always worked since I was in hs but last year when I found out I was preg, I decided if we could afford it I would stay at home with baby. So I finished my teaching school year out and now Im home with LO and it has been the best decision! I have decided to go back to school at night while DH has DD. Glad to meet everyone!
  • I'm new to this board too, and just started checking while nursing. I have an almost 4 yo DS, a 2 yo DD and a 3 mo DS. I've been staying home since my oldest was born but between kids did some consulting work out of my home for a few projects. Still trying to figure out how long to stay home. My kids are still very needy, but I'm a bit restless. Maybe once the fall starts and we get into a new routine I'll even out a bit, and getting out of the newborn phase means I can start to think about getting back into my old interests that keep me sane (reading, running, yoga...socializing with friends lol). Anyway...would be fun to have a more active board!
    DS born 10/25/11 **  DD born 6/24/13 **  DS born 4/20/15
  • I'm new to! All the way from Aus :)
    I've been lurking on another board, the month my lil girl was born. Getting used to this stay at home mum thing! Although we're not home much! I try and get out every day. Hope you ladies are all having a great day! My LO is teething, I'm so tempted to start coffee hahaha
  • Hello! I'm a 29yo FTM, six weeks PP. I live in Las Vegas with my hubby, baby boy, two French bulldogs and one Cornish Rex kitty. I get to stay home, and EBF. I just weighed my baby this morning and he is 13lb! So chunky! I'm in love with him...
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