This is a new one for me. Sariyah was born small (6 lbs 9 oz) and has lost weight since then, even at the 2 week postpartum mark. She's now just 6 lbs. All sorts of interventions are being discussed, including having me eliminate all cow's milk and soy from my diet (I'm already a vegetarian, so this is troublesome), a potential heart problem (though non is detected), and hospitalization. Have any of you had a baby not gain enough weight, quickly enough? If so, what did you do to turn it around? Or what is/has your doctor recommended? I'd really like some insight from mamas who have been there-done that!
I've been using a supplementary feeding system whereas a feeding tube with my breast milk is attached to my nipple so Baby sucks and gets a certain amount of previously-expressed milk. This is really cumbersome, but definitely worth it if the process works. However, I'm not convinced this is enough.
Re: LO not gaining weight
I did the supplemental feeding system (with formula) and pumped. For a week they alternated formula and breastmilk.
I didn't love doing formula (mostly because I'm too cheap to buy it) but it was temporary, and I was so focused on fattening them up it was worth it.
We also woke them up every 3 hours to eat.
We are 100% breastmilk now, 99% from a bottle. We had latching problems.
It took them til their 3 week appointment to surpass birthweight.
That's what worked for us. I hope you can find success!
We've only had to do about 6oz of formula a day, so not a huge expense.
Pretty stressful - GL!
We had a weight check today and he gained 11oz in a week putting him at 6lbs13oz today!! Proud momma moment!!