
PCOS Question

I've been TTC for two years, I was diagnosed with PCOS and prescribed Progesterone and Metformin to try to get my periods more consistent. Has anyone had any trouble with the Progesterone? I started talking it on the 12th day of my cycle for 14 days. I started bleeding on the second day and have continued to up until today. It's now been 15days. My doctor explained after my ultrasound that the lining in my uterus was extremely thick and that I could bleed while taking the progesterone but I'm wondering if anyone has also had these results? Any information would be great!

Re: PCOS Question

  • I have pcos and had to take progesterone to start my period so I could start chlomid. First month was all wacky. Second month, didn't need progesterone, just used the chlomid and got pregnant. 29 weeks along now with a my first baby. :) Good luck!
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