Toddlers: 24 Months+

Potty training

My daughter who turned two in April was doing really well with potty training. She did all her poops on the toilet and probably about a quarter of her pees.

Two weekends ago she got constipated and had a huge poop that hurt her bottom. I had to put Vaseline on her butt and everything to help her get it out.

Now she refuses to go on the toilet and will only poop in her diaper. It has been a huge battle. Any ideas?

Re: Potty training

  • We had a similar regression. I would back off for awhile so it doesn't become a control issue, and then after a few weeks try re-introducing the concept, perhaps with a reward.
  • Just follow her lead. When she becomes interested again, put her on the pot. 
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  • Have you tried not putting the diaper on her? If you put her in panties and she doesn't like the feel of the mess then she should prompt you to go in the potty next time. there will be a few messes and trial and error. This is what we did for our DD and it worked quite well. Every child is different. to ensure she doesn't get stopped up again I would push fruit and raisins if not prunes a couple times a week!

    Good Luck! 

  • Go cold turkey on the diapers. Don't give her the option of pooping in a diaper.

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