Toddlers: 24 Months+

Sleep solutions

We are currently living in a tiny apartment (short term until our place is ready) my 4 & 5 year old have been sharing a toddler bed! ( not the best choice but all that will fit at the moment) we have twin beds for them when we get into our new place but until then I'm trying to come up with another idea to give them more space, any body have experience with kid cots or pillow beds? Would they be ok to sleep in something like this for about 2 months? Or any other ideas you might have would be great!
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Re: Sleep solutions

  • You can always just get another mattress for a toddler bed at a consignment shop and let them sleep on them on the floor. Make it into a sleepover feel. You can then resell them or keep them around and use them for sleepovers until the kids are too tall for them!
  • Maybe put one or both twin mattresses on the floor?  It stinks sharing a mattress if you can only fit one but at least they would have more room with that instead of a toddler mattress.  
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