Hey do you know if it's ok to lye on your back while watching tv? Did u? I know they say for sleeping you shouldn't but i am always lying on my back Watching tv in evenings. I'm almost 27 weeks... Do
U know if there is harm
In that? They say it shouldn't be comfortable but it is for me..they say restriction to blood flow and
Pressing on uterus and it can be dangerous?
Re: Watching tv on your back
Edited to add how many weeks I am!
Unfortunately, mine lets me know in about 30 seconds lol. It gets harder to breathe and I get dizzy.
My solution is to attempt to sleep on my side and recline at an angle while awake, but not to obsess. Like sometimes watching tv I'll just wiggle my toes to make sure I can feel them very well like normal. I agree with PP that your body will become uncomfortable if there's a problem.
I'd been laying that way for about 2 or so hours before changing position and before it caused any issue. (I was moving obviously, just not rolling off my back.) Since then I've been trying to just lay with a pillow under one side, so I'm not flat on my back.