September 2015 Moms

Watching tv on your back

misgin123misgin123 member
edited June 2015 in September 2015 Moms
Hey do you know if it's ok to lye on your back while watching tv? Did u? I know they say for sleeping you shouldn't but i am always lying on my back Watching tv in evenings. I'm almost 27 weeks... Do
U know if there is harm
In that? They say it shouldn't be comfortable but it is for me..they say restriction to blood flow and
Pressing on uterus and it can be dangerous?

Re: Watching tv on your back

  • cait040415cait040415 member
    edited June 2015
    I'm curious about this, too. Surprisingly I'm not uncomfortable on my back. It's one of the only positions I AM comfortable in but I try to stay on my side. How imperative is it to always be on your left side only? I'm 27 weeks as well.

    Edited to add how many weeks I am!
  • babs02babs02 member
    27 weeks as well. I watch tv laying back in a reclining couch so basically on my back. It's more comfortable than sitting up and that way my feet are elevated too. As far as sleeping goes it depends. I try to lay on my left side but if I'm not comfortable in that position I roll over. I figure sleep is more important. The past few nights I realized I'm sleeping almost stomach down but still comfortable. For a while sleeping on my back was comfortable and when I asked my dr about it he said its best to put a pillow under one side so your at a slight incline. He told me a certain number of degrees but I can't remember how many.
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  • I can't breathe when I lay on my back :/ but I don't know if that's just some people and I'm a lucky one? Lol but my doctor said that your body will know when to move.
  • My OB said a slight angle (more than 20 degrees) was fine for back lying. I figure a recliner is fine since it isn't completely flat.
    *Siggy Warning*


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm only comfortable lying down on my back so I sit up to read/watch tv. My OB said to never lie on my back if I could help it. I toss and turn all night switching between left and right side


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My OB was surprised I could lie on my back. She didn't say there was a problem with it.
  • Lying down on my back is the only comfy position for me and my doctor has zero problems with me doing it :)
  • When I am on my back I get smothered by my boobs (or at least that's how I feel lol) so I try to prop myself up with pillows when reading or watching TV. I pretty much just sleep on one of my sides... Whichever is comfortable at the moment.
  • I sleep however I want. Sometimes my back if my DD is snuggling with me I Watch tv on my back. Today I was laying on my stomach colouring with my DD. Not worried about it. I always get kicked it the baby is uncomfortable.
  • I haven't talked to a doctor about this, but I think if you can be on your back and you're comfortable, you're probably okay. If I lie on my back for more than maybe 5 minutes, I start to feel REALLY awful - lightheaded and nauseous and short of breath. I would say just to sit up every once in a while and make sure you feel okay. 
  • Im laying on my back right now. And I fall asleep on my back most nights. If something was wrong I wouldn't be comfortable.
  • Agree with PPs, your body will let you know if it's not ok. Sometimes I can lay on my back and I'm fine, sometimes I get really short of breath and have to move (have experienced the same thing on my right side too). For me I think it depends where baby is hanging out maybe?
  • ElecinElecin member
    Echoing...Your body will let you know.

    Unfortunately, mine lets me know in about 30 seconds lol. It gets harder to breathe and I get dizzy.
  • I definitely went from being comfortable on my back to not being comfortable anymore. The studies I read seemed pretty convincing that it was not good for you and baby, I agree that my body definitely let me know.
  • Once or twice I've had some very mild numbness in my legs after lying on my back. I think this probably indicates that my circulation was impaired. Usually I'll notice this when I wake briefly and switch positions. . If you feel perfectly normal and well... You're probably ok.
    My solution is to attempt to sleep on my side and recline at an angle while awake, but not to obsess. Like sometimes watching tv I'll just wiggle my toes to make sure I can feel them very well like normal. I agree with PP that your body will become uncomfortable if there's a problem.
  • I couldn't sleep on my back before I was pregnant and now it's the only way I'm truly comfortable. I won't sleep that way all night but will lie on my back watching tv and sometimes roll on my back (or propped a little to the side with a body pillow) to give my hip bones a little break in the night.
  • str13str13 member
    I had to be kept for observation for about 8 hours not long ago. I lay on my back all the time, it doesn't bother me in the least. After awhile laying there the nurse came in and told me I'd have to change up and lay on one side or the other because it was causing the baby's heartrate to drop. :(
    I'd been laying that way for about 2 or so hours before changing position and before it caused any issue. (I was moving obviously, just not rolling off my back.) Since then I've been trying to just lay with a pillow under one side, so I'm not flat on my back.
  • I watch tv on my back, but I'm a crazy person who also sleeps on my stomach still (26 weeks, and slightly on my side, barely)
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