I have 2 kids at home, should i be expecting major pain, where I should ask for prescription in advance, or will tylenol suffice? Will this be manageable with two kids in the house, or will I be in bed all day with cramping? How long does the pain typically last? Will I need to set up an appt with the dr to see if it has all passed? Thanks in advance. Not looking forward to the next few weeks.
Re: How to prepare for miscarriage/pain management
I don't have kids, but I couldn't manage anything the day it was really bad. It might be a good idea to have someone "on call" for that day, just in case. You'll feel exhausted after that anyway so you will need to rest. I would definitely book a follow up appointment with your doctor because they need to make sure that everything is out or you can be at risk for infection. They will probably do blood work to check your hcg levels too.
I'm sorry you have to go through this and hope that things go as smoothly as possible for you. Keep checking in with us, the women here are an awesome support!
(I did 6 pads in the first 30min, I hopped in the car and drove myself 10min as soon as it was like peeing blood from my uterus. The longer I'm on here, the more I realize my experience is more rare.)
How are you feeling today? Any progress?
Other miscarriages ice had at 9-10 weeks were different. Cramping like period but passed progressively larger clots. Starts out like blood with chicken liver sized clots. Then the clots are stewed tomato sized. Then grapefruit or chicken breast size. Clots passed for about 4-5 days and then bleed for a total of six weeks. I've had 5 miscarriages like that. Not fun. All blighted ovum or missed miscarriage.
I passed everything at 12w4d after 2 weeks of spotting/light bleeding, 3 days of on/off heavy bleeding and passing the fetus and huge clots took 2 days in total, the bleeding afterward only lasted 5 days. Just giving you an idea of how different mine was from PPs.
I would have someone on call to come be with you. Pain meds I'd ask for in advance so you don't have to make a trip. Yes make an appt. for a follow up to make sure everything passed. And above all - if you are bleeding like crazy and soaking 1-2 or more pads an hour GO TO THE ER. - I had a similar experience to @Lizzie5831 and the recovery from the blood loss is totally dreadful, especially with kids to take care of. So sorry for your situation! : (