hi ladies,
I need your advice. I found out my baby died when I was 8 weeks pregnant

baby stopped growing at 6 weeks.
The doc asked me to wait 2 weeks, then have an confirmation US and we would discuss options. That US was last Monday and the worse was confirmed. I took the option of trying Misoprostol at home. Everything seemed to be going as planned. The bleeding almost stopped after 5 days. Then this past Tuesday evening I started severe cramping and heaving bleeding all over again. My doc send me for an urgent US and confirmed there is moderate amounts of tissue from the pregnancy left over

She's told me to wait another 2 weeks! But to go to ER if I develop a fever.
This is my first pregnancy, I'm devastated to lose the baby and now to have this happen. More and more waiting. My doctor doesn't seem to care about the need to move on and get passed this difficult time.
Has this happened to anyone else before?
Is there anything else I can do to make this easier on me. Thank goodness work is being supportive and letting me work from home...and I I have a supportive husband but I still feel so lost
Re: Help! Misoprostol didn't work and Dr doesn't seem to care :(
Im so sorry for your loss! I gave the MC proccess 2 weeks before taking the meds last friday and am hoping they worked, it's such a taxing proccess. Sending thoughts and prayers your way!