
The official PABST your anonymous bull sh*t here thread


Re: The official PABST your anonymous bull sh*t here thread

  • It was such a hot thing last week.  No one wants to touch it now.  WTF?
  • I wasn't here last week so I don't know what to write... but seriously, all this time I thought all of you were talking about Pabst Blue Ribbon beer... apparently I have booze on the brain
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  • I cant think of one and honestly I am not passive aggressive even though I try to be for this post
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • --> shut the f up no one cares, stop posting about it!!

    --> deal with it, you made the choice to do it now you have to deal with it, or do something about it....

  • --> you are not funny, your just rude...
  • Whoops... I posted above.  Here is a c&p of mine:

    This is really about several people actually and fairly tame...

    I think that certain nesties go MIA, but lurk waiting for the "Where's so and so" obligatory posts.  LAME.


  • ok, i'm with the other poster that said she was thinking of pabst blue ribbon! LOL...what does PABST mean?
  • --You are a know-it-all and I can't stand reading your replies.

    --You are trying too hard, and it shows. 

    DS - June 2006 DD1 - November 2007 DD2 - August 2010
  • wtf is up with your hair?
  • One word: Meds

    Two more: GET SOME

  • -1985 called and they want their hair and lipstick color back.

    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
  • You're a quite vulgar, and I regularly cringe when I read your responses to posts.
  • Stop your GODDAMN incessant whining and complaining.
  • I wish you were my neighbor.  You'd be fun, and I think we'd have fun sitting on the porch drinking wine after the kids were in bed.
  • I'm glad that a certain nestie that moved to another country (not to name names) hasn't been around in a couple of weeks. Her negative spin on life almost makes me want to jump off of a bridge. 
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • yep...I am concerned that one or two of these are about me.....


  • There are a number of things about you that completely gross me out.
  • You are a horrible speller and your grammar makes my head hurt. Your use of punctuation is excessive and annoying.

    I used to think you were funny, but now I just avoid your posts.

  • Not my vulgar one, if you're worried, DandR.  You are vulgar, but not quite as crude vulgar as the person I am thinking about.  :)
  • - you look like a muncheechee


  • This really applies to many:

    Some things are best kept to yourself.

  • general...

    I hate tickers in signatures.

  • imagepincushions:

    - you look like a muncheechee


    OMG --- I have no idea who  you are talking about but this just made me wheeze outloud!  :)


  • --Your husband looks like a drug-dealer.

    --I don't believe you actually work out. At all. I don't know why you'd make that up, though?


    Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageco18co:
    I wish you were my neighbor.  You'd be fun, and I think we'd have fun sitting on the porch drinking wine after the kids were in bed.


  • I thought of more....

    Take that fugly crap off your child's head. (this actually applies to two different people)

    Just because Gymboree sells it, doesn't mean it's cute.

  • Hehehehe Kitty.  That list is actually pretty long.  If I could hand-pick a bunch of you party animals and invite you over for a kegger, I totally would.  Literally, we have a kegorator.  :)
  • imageco18co:
    Not my vulgar one, if you're worried, DandR.  You are vulgar, but not quite as crude vulgar as the person I am thinking about.  :)

    lol...yeah I thought this was about wasn't that long ago....Nestie BallGate 2008...that I think you specifically said I was vulgar  or one of the crew...and since I just lump you all together sometimes I can't remember which one of you guys said what!  ...but I've been fairly mellow since, I think!


  • I heart you.

    Oh wait, it's supposed to be nasty things, right?

  • imageco18co:
    You're a quite vulgar, and I regularly cringe when I read your responses to posts.

    In my defense, I enjoy it ;)

  • -I think you are the bee's knees. So funny, witty and insightful.

    -Stop with the passive agressive complaining, veiling that your life really is *that* great but have to complain about stupid crap for attention

    -I'm glad you aren't here


    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • imageco18co:
    I wish you were my neighbor.  You'd be fun, and I think we'd have fun sitting on the porch drinking wine after the kids were in bed.

    There are a couple people around here I wish lived closer to me so we could hang out on a regular basis.  

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • applies to many...

    You should not be so holier than thou, you NEED to have a drink.


  • purrfff --- your second one better not be about me.  Don't make me post a picture of my fat-sweaty-disgusting-exercise-look after exercising tonight!
  • damn, some of these are rough. you girls are emotional.


  • my not so nice ones:

    -you are a total poser.  I am pretty sure that most of what you post is at the very least an exaggeration, if not totally made up.

    -while I don't have two kids, I hope to god when/if I do that I suck it up and deal with it better than you do.

    My nice ones:

    -some of you are the funniest people I know and at times I feel closer to people here than I do IRL.

    -I wish I lived next door to a few extra special GG fans.  Then we could hang out and I'd never forget GG was on.  LOL!  And get drunk while we did so I wouldn't feel like such a dipshit when I was crying over Chuck/Blair last night.


    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Damn Mel. Why you got to call me out?

    "Get some" is one of my "favoritist" phrases.

    I'm too passive aggressive not to be able to think of anything to add. Maybe next week.


  • imageco18co:
    Not my vulgar one, if you're worried, DandR.  You are vulgar, but not quite as crude vulgar as the person I am thinking about.  :)

    ~raises eyebrow~

  • imageDandR:

    Not my vulgar one, if you're worried, DandR.  You are vulgar, but not quite as crude vulgar as the person I am thinking about.  :)

    lol...yeah I thought this was about wasn't that long ago....Nestie BallGate 2008...that I think you specifically said I was vulgar  or one of the crew...and since I just lump you all together sometimes I can't remember which one of you guys said what!  ...but I've been fairly mellow since, I think!



    What was Nestie BallGate?  Definitely not me.  I don't know that I've ever thrown the word vulgar out on the nest.  My mom called us (my sis and I) vulgarians growing up (and still...we get exponentially more vulgar when we're together).  So, it's a funny word to me.  

    I've not seen anything gross or vulgar from you lately.  And I don't avoid your posts... 

  • imagedebs10/18:

    -1985 called and they want their hair and lipstick color back.

    Oh snap. I think I know this one.


    Co-- was it the shaving and sucking balls posts? That kind of hurt to even type.


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