Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Disconcerning U/S at 11w

Good Afternoon, 

This is baby #3 for us. I've been having a bad feeling since finding out I am pregnant with this little one that I just can't shake. My first two pregnancies were great and I have 2 healthy girls, 4 years old and 19m. Both of our daughters measured +/- a couple days to their fetal age until about 20w when they measured larger and were born big babies. 3 days ago at 11w0d I went to see a doctor as the pelvic pains were sharper and to my left side grew in intensity and I began spotting. They ordered an ultrasound, to which they found a baby measuring 8-9w. There was a heartbeat however they did not tell us the heart rate. I know that the baby did not implant later, or that I ovulated later as 2-3 weeks after we dtd, is when we got our BFP. I don't want to come off negative, and I know only time will tell, but do any of you ladies have a similar experience? What was the outcome? I can understand a week being off in size, but 2-3 worries me. 

Any insight welcome. Thank you for your time.

Re: Disconcerning U/S at 11w

  • I should mention that I do see my regular midwife team next week, will bring up my concerns and ask for another ultrasound at this time. 
  • At my ultrasound they said my baby was was measuring 2-3 weeks behind what I thought. They didn't seem worried and I have read posts from others who had healthy babies in the same situation. Unfortunately, that was not the case for me, but try not to worry until you know for sure. I know that is easier said than done. My thoughts are with you. Xx
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  • Meg, can I ask at what gestational age they deemed the pregnancy unsuccessful? I'm not sure what to expect at my next ultrasound. 
  • I was 9 weeks when the did the US, they scheduled an US for the following week to check for growth, but I miscarried naturally the following day.
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