Good Afternoon,
This is baby #3 for us. I've been having a bad feeling since finding out I am pregnant with this little one that I just can't shake. My first two pregnancies were great and I have 2 healthy girls, 4 years old and 19m. Both of our daughters measured +/- a couple days to their fetal age until about 20w when they measured larger and were born big babies. 3 days ago at 11w0d I went to see a doctor as the pelvic pains were sharper and to my left side grew in intensity and I began spotting. They ordered an ultrasound, to which they found a baby measuring 8-9w. There was a heartbeat however they did not tell us the heart rate. I know that the baby did not implant later, or that I ovulated later as 2-3 weeks after we dtd, is when we got our BFP. I don't want to come off negative, and I know only time will tell, but do any of you ladies have a similar experience? What was the outcome? I can understand a week being off in size, but 2-3 worries me.
Any insight welcome. Thank you for your time.
Re: Disconcerning U/S at 11w