March 2015 Moms

Sacral dimple??

My baby girl was born with a sacral dimple (essentially a dimple above her anus). They are running tests to make sure that she doesn't have spina bifida or any other complications!!! She's not showing any symptoms... She kicks, tries to stand, bounces in her jolly jumper.... But I still worry. Anyone else have this?
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: Sacral dimple??

  • My DS had one when he was born in 2012. He is a perfectly healthy 2 1/2 year old CRAZY boy :). That is just one symptom that something is wrong, not the only symptom. She sounds like she is doing wonderfully to me!
  • I looked in the mirror at my own back, and seem to have one myself. So maybe it's just genetic?? What does a sacrum look like without a dimple?
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers

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  • I've always had one myself. Never caused any problems.
  • My 1 year old was born like that. But i think his was alot deeper. They just did an ultrasound to make sure evrything was ok. Hes healthy as can be. :) hopefully everything goes good.
  • My baby has it too. Hers is closed so they didn't do an ultrasound. She's 3 1/2 months and doing the same things as yours. I'm not worried anymore. I definitely was though :)
  • Just yesterday at my daughter's 3 month check up they ordered an ultrasound to be done to check the one she has. The doc said not to worry, she just wants to "make sure" it isn't problematic. My reaction is, "great! One more thing to worry about!" Lol
  • Oh my goodness this is exactly what our baby has! Our pediatrician called it something else though?
    Anywho, we did get sent for an ultrasound because he said it looked pretty deep... and everything came back normal! Hope it's normal for everyone else too ;)
  • I have one & everything has been fine! My daughter also has one, although hers isn't very deep! I'm sure everything will continue to be fine though :)
  • 2 of my 3 children have this and all is fine. :)
  • zandybzandyb member
    Mine didn't have a dimple, but she had a tuft of hair in that same spot, which can be indicative of spina bifida. The pediatrician ordered an ultrasound to be on the safe side (she was moving everything around just fine) and it turned out fine. Try not to worry too much!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hers is closed, so I wasn't worrying too much. We had the ultrasound on mon, and the tech said to go see my doc next week for the results, but she didn't see anything "too urgent".......the wording in itself made it sound like she saw something just wasn't urgent. Ugh.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • My LO has one, too. Her doctors have never been concerned about it. At her first neonatal check, they pointed it out to me and said since that it was fine. Plus, she's a very active little girl. They haven't sent her for testing or even mentioned the possibility so far. Hope the tests all come back reassuringly normal for you!
  • kzan20kzan20 member
    My baby girl was born with a sacral dimple, too. I was never even told about it at birth. While recovering in the hospital I overheard a nurse tell another nurse about it, and that it was "closed." That's when I looked myself and the nurses said it looked fine. At her Pediatric visits her Dr has never been concerned. I was told "it's just something that makes her, HER!"
  • I have one! It's caused no issues for me!
  • Ya I'm sure it's fine. She's a very active and happy little girl. My doctor is young and new, so she's probably just being overly cautious, as she doesn't have years experience!!
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • cmcintos said:

    Ya I'm sure it's fine. She's a very active and happy little girl. My doctor is young and new, so she's probably just being overly cautious, as she doesn't have years experience!!

    As a provider myself, I would agree. It is hard not too be overly cautious, especially with babies. Also hard to relay the message of, "I think it's nothing, but just to be sure, let's check" without alarming parents.
  • HmtB1HmtB1 member
    My baby has this too. They did an ultrasound to make sure it wasn't related to a spinal issue. Don't worry, it seems like they are common and typically harmless.
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