Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Genetic testing?

I had my first miscarriage in Jan. 2013 @ a little over 7 weeks, got pregnant August 2013 and had a healthy baby girl the next May. We started trying again and I got pregnant in April. Yesterday when I went for my 12 week apt, there was no heartbeat, it had stopped growing at 7 weeks 5 days.... pretty much the same time as last time. My OB said that she normally does genetic testing and other types of tests after a 2nd miscarriage, but since I had a healthy pregnancy before she gave me the option of getting the tests or not. I originally told her no, that if it happened again I would. The more I think about it, I think that I do want to have testing done. If there are problems that would more than likely end up in another miscarriage, then I don't think that we will try again. We have been blessed with a healthy child and I don't think I can do this again. It's too much both emotionally and physically not just on me, but my husband. I do have thyroid problems, and that's what I always blamed my first miscarriage on since it was out of control at the time I got pregnant and was told by my Endocrinologist that a pregnancy would more than likely not make it until I got my thyroid under control. I just saw him a few weeks ago and it's in perfect range now,so I can't blame it on my thyroid anymore. I know a lot of the time the testing doesn't give you answers, but maybe it will give me a peace of mind. If anyone has done testing after a loss and could provide me with answers on what tests you had done or what was done I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Re: Genetic testing?

  • I actually asked for testing, but my dr said since I also have had one successful preganancy he would not recommend it. He said that most of the time even with all of the testing you do not find an answer or reason for miscarriage. Not sure if that's helpful or not? In curious to see what other say!
  • We sent our LO for testing after the d&c, still waiting for results. This was our first baby so the doctor wants to confirm whether it was due to the individual baby or if it could happen again due to our genes. They look for trisomies and chromosomal abnormalities (may be the reason the baby stopped growing), they also look for some translocation mutations (prone to cause multiple miscarriages). I'll update you all once I get the results.
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    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
    BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; 
    BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016 

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  • I just got a call to meet with genetics next month. We just had a d&c due to the baby having trisonomy 21. Guess they will talk t us about the risk of next baby having it.
  • I have had 2 miscarriages with in 6 months of each other. My husband and I decided to do some tests. Some blood work and an X-ray to see if there were any problems found. We have the option of doing a chromosome analysis but it is over $3,000 so we are waiting. I do have more peace of mind knowing that they didn't find anything with the tests that I did do. I'm getting closer to want to try again. If I have another mc I will probably pay the money. So even no answer as to why did help.
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