January 2016 Moms

Is anyone else craving what they're allergic to?!

I'm allergic to tomato and have a dairy intolerance also... Luckily I'm not craving tomato so much but this week I just want everything to be covered in cheese. This obviously isn't good for mama lol. Anyone have any similar issues? I think I'm just going to have to suck it up but it's not fun dealing with allergy gas when you're already suffering from pregnancy gas (TMI I know... Sorry!!!) :)

Re: Is anyone else craving what they're allergic to?!

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    I've become intolerant/Allergic to pork during this pregnancy and all I want is bacon :(

    Feeling your pain :)
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    I am lactose intolerant as well and I want cheese!!!!! I am almost tempted enough to try cheese and see if somehow magically my intolerance goes away during pregnancy. That can happen right???? :) 
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    I am celiac, which means..no wheat. I've been desperately wanting fast food burgers and nuggets :-/
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    ak215ak215 member
    I'm gluten and dairy sensitive and that's about all I've been able to eat. Strangely the gluten sensitivity had disappeared for me. as for the dairy it just makes me very stuffy but I think the extra stuffiness is making my morning sickness worse.
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    I'm gluten and dairy intolerant, but keeping down a veggie is impossible. All I want is bread, biscuits, and ice cream.
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    Yep - apples, grapes plums....
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    @Mommachanner, I was allergic to shellfish before my first pregnancy, I was and still am able to eat it afterwards. And am only lactose intolerant whilst pregnant.

    Our bodies do some weird stuff whilst pregnant, all those hormones etc. You could try a little bit of cheese and see how you feel :)
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    nanampnanamp member
    edited June 2015
    @mommachanner - I'm lactarded too. Try Cabot's cheddar. All of their stuff is lactose free (despite the fact they have one called "lactose-free" for marketing purposes).
    Hard, aged cheeses in general should be easier to digest due to lower levels of lactose. Maybe start with some sprinkling of parmasean and see how it goes.

    Also, anything made from goat's milk doesn't have lactose.
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    nanampnanamp member
    Talking about cheese made me drag myself to the fridge for a middle of the night snack.
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    I'm the same way. All I want is dairy and it's messed up my intestines and nose so bad. I feel like a hole is being burned in my stomach when gas passes through. And I can't breath and now have a sinus infection from the dairy. It makes me feel miserable but the only thing I crave and can keep down :(
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    I was craving corn on the cob for days. I finally ate a small piece and now I'm okay. Lol. If I could eat popcorn after this pregnancy, I would be thrilled!
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    Yes! I can't eat gluten or dairy and I've been craving it. But it never goes well so I know I need to just find close alternatives. I already have enough GI issues, then add pregnancy hormones and it's been difficult. Best I think for me is to keep disciplined and avoid the stuff I know my tummy doesn't like. Hope you can find some alternatives to keep your belly happy!
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    @nanamp thank you for your response!!! I'm going to try it in small doses while at home. Fingers crossed!
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    nanampnanamp member
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    Omg yes....I've found cheese to be a migraine trigger (which I can get vertigo migraines at times so I try to avoid them as much as I can), and all I want is cheese! It's the only thing with protein that sounds good too. I'm hoping I can stay strong lol but with this all day nausea I'm close to caving just so I can eat something.
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