January 2016 Moms

Guys I found the light!

The last few days have been great! Nausea has subsided and I've actually had energy!! It's amazing once the nausea/fatigued goggles come off what you notice. I knew my house was a mess, but holy mother of crap this was ridiculous! I spent the day cleaning and I've never been so excited to clean. I feel so much better! I hit 11 weeks on Thursday and that's about the time I noticed I didn't feel so crappy. I hope the same for all of you! Hang in there, it does get better!

Re: Guys I found the light!

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    I've started to feel a little better.. Still don't want to clean anything, but I am 11 weeks today, an everything is slowly coming back. I'm thinking any day now, and my nausea goggles will fall off.
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    I definitely have more energy and less nausea. I just cleaned my house tonight and it felt great. I also hit 11 weeks on Thursday
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    I was so excited too!!! I felt the energy and saw the disaster as well. I think I said the same thing out loud. I cleaned everything and was so excited to have energy again. That was 3 days ago and I think I used it all up then. I haven't felt the burst since. I'm 12 weeks today. Waiting for another burst.
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    shrsrishrsri member
    I feel worse actually.. My all-day nausea has now graduated to vomiting ... Mood swings have gotten worse.. But energy levels are up a bit - which just means I am not falling asleep at work all the time .. Though I am still super lethargic..
    Is anyone else's nausea getting steadily worse ?
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    I felt great for 3 days as have been just really lethargic at 10 weeks however last night it all ended by neasea and vomiting and now i feel worst than ever! I actually havent cvomited prior to this!
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    Yup I had a slight burst of energy around 11 weeks but now that I'm 11w4d it has tapered off. The heat is absolutely killing me. I'm working a summer camp this week and had a headache by the end of the day and slept literally all now. Up today with zero energy and can't even imagine trying to workout at this point. Seriously hoping the second trimester is way better then this
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    J3spJ3sp member
    @babym418 with my first I had to work a summer camp as well when I was about 12 weeks. It was so fluffin hot and I was working kitchen. Because of the heat and always on my feet my ankles started to swell. I would take some time and put them up so it wasn't too bad. I hope it goes well for you! I was happy to be home by the end of the week.
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    J3spJ3sp member
    mrussello said:

    I was so excited too!!! I felt the energy and saw the disaster as well. I think I said the same thing out loud. I cleaned everything and was so excited to have energy again. That was 3 days ago and I think I used it all up then. I haven't felt the burst since. I'm 12 weeks today. Waiting for another burst.

    I did end up taking a nap later on, but today I'm still good. I might conquer the weeds in the garden while I'm still feeling this way. I may even go grocery shopping and cook dinner which I haven't done in who knows how long. At least you have a clean house for a bit! From my experience, the burst will come back and you will one day have a clean house again
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    I'm 12 weeks today.
    I had been feeling great last two weeks, no nausea. Only dizziness.
    Today however, I'm tired (I woke up at about 9:45 nap time was no later than 10:30) woke up and I feel worse then I did before I went to sleep, headache, nausea, don't want to move.
    I better not be a backwards person. Second trimester is supposed to be a happy time :(
    But- I was able to actually wash and fold TWO loads of laundry instead of picking clothes out of the drier for a week. I'm not ashamed.
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    I'm 12 weeks today.
    I had been feeling great last two weeks, no nausea. Only dizziness.
    Today however, I'm tired (I woke up at about 9:45 nap time was no later than 10:30) woke up and I feel worse then I did before I went to sleep, headache, nausea, don't want to move.
    I better not be a backwards person. Second trimester is supposed to be a happy time :(
    But- I was able to actually wash and fold TWO loads of laundry instead of picking clothes out of the drier for a week. I'm not ashamed.
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    My energy is coming in waves, but I feel souch better. I am watching 4 nieces under 10 and cleaning right now.... Almost back to 100%!!!!
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    I meant so much**
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    I'm so jealous! But I look forward to it! I'm just 8w4d and can't wait to fill normal. We just bought our first house and I have no energy to unpack or decorate.
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    I'm 11w3d and still feelin awful! Up until last week I wasn't vomiting but it's hit me hard! Today I thought I was feeling better and then my lunch came up the minute it hit my stomach! I've been lying on the couch for the last four hours and my head is thumping!
    Come on light!
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    KFrobKFrob member
    I'm 11ws tomorrow and did the same thing this weekend! All I wanted to do was clean and I was super excited about it!  I'm feeling more energetic, my sex drive is back, and I haven't felt like barfing for two days now!  Its glorious to feel better!!! 
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