my daughter is almost 5 weeks old now. She had tongue tie when she was born and lost a lot of weight because of not being able to latch properly. She had her tongue tie clipped PP day 5 but the Dr said that I had to supplement formula until she got back up to birth weight which took 3 weeks. I was hoping to be able to switch back to exclusively breastfeeding but my milk supply is so low. I nurse on demand about every 1-2 hours during the day and try to pump a couple times a day in between if possible. I take fenugreek, nursing support teas and even made lactation cookies but I still have a low supply. I drink a ton of water too. When I pump in the morning I get about 3oz total from both sides for 20 minutes but in the afternoon I get 1-2 total. Any suggestions of what else I can do to increase my milk supply because my daughter is drinking about 4oz now when she has a bottle. Thanks for your help. Sorry so long winded!
Re: Low supply tips