June 2015 Moms

Coming home.

So my SO and I live with his mum just until we can afford to get our own place and my family lives 2 hours away. I'm getting stressed because I would really like my parents to be one of the first ones to see the baby but knowing his mother (she can be quite pushy and controlling) she will start inviting people to the hospital.

I'm also stressing out after we come home that she won't give us our space to learn on our own (she thinks she knows best)

Any advice? 6 days to go and I'm not coping to well with that thought of all this.

Re: Coming home.

  • Here's the thing...unfortunately, when you live in someone else's house, you live by their rules. Your MIL is under zero obligation to give you space in her own house, and can invite whoever she wants into her own house at any time without running it by you first. These are the sacrifices you make when you live in a house that belongs to another person...and rent free, I assume.

    You can absolutely tell the nursing staff at the hospital which visitors are welcome and which aren't, and they can try to regulate for you. But once you're home, you have no control over who your MIL invites to see you.

    It sucks certainly...but that's how it is. Hopefully you are saving up and can afford your own place soon, so you can set your own rules.
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