January 2016 Moms

What's everyone buying?

I'm curious to find out what you guys have started purchasing. As of now, every time we go to the grocery store we buy a pack of diapers and a pack of wipes. I did it with my oldest and was so glad I did. We have decided to start buying baby food in the third trimester.

But I have the buying bug.
Anyone else?

Re: What's everyone buying?

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    We are only 12 weeks so not really anything. Okay that's a lie. I bought a pack of 148 size one diapers like a month ago because they were on clearance for $17! And I bought some receiving blankets... Also on sale. And one of those little rattle stuffed animal heads attached to a blanket. It's a fox lol. I'm gonna wait until we at least know the sex to buy anything else. I'm still super nervous about if things will work out.
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    I have bought some wipes, a blanket, and some baby bath wash, plus a couple other odds and ends (toys, pacifiers, and teethers). It is impossible for me to not walk through the baby department at any store I got into. lol.
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    Nothing. When I had my 7 year old it was trial and error with diapers. He ended up having skin issues with huggies. So I'll wait till baby arrives. Plus ive been out of the game so long that I'm just doing a lot of research on the newer things.

    My MIL although has already bought a crib. Which I think is very soon, especially considering our loss history, but it's cute that she is excited.
    Married the love of my life: 11/12/2009
    1st BFP ever : 11/19/2014
    1/9/2015 our miracle baby was welcomed in heaven.
    BFP #2 : 4/21/2015
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    SullyNSullyN member

    I just found out buy buy baby carries the cloth diapers I want so whenever they send me a 5 off 15 coupon I'm going to buy one and start my stash. I'm also buying the poo liners.

    Which cloth diapers are you planning to use? I loved cloth diapering my son!

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    SullyNSullyN member
    We haven't bought anything for this LO yet. I did knit it a baby Yoda hat though. And will start buying the newborn cloth diapers soon.

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    Diapers and wipes galore. I have a 2 year old girl so I have the basics and we have a 6 month old nephew who has the rest for a boy. Yippie!! Only diapers though.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    Nothing yet. Once we get a little further along we will start picking up a few things (GN CDs, more A+A swaddles, GN clothes) but DD is only 13 months so we have most that we will need.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    sck601sck601 member
    Nothing yet. We probably won't start buying anything until over half way done. We have all of the big ticket items, we just need to find out the sex so we know if we need to buy boy clothes are not. (We kept all of our clothes from DD, so we're set if it's a girl)

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    @sullyn the bum genius Freetime AIO.
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    I've gotten a box of wipes, a couple packs of gender neutral bibs, a little blanket with all the tags on the end to let baby hold onto, a few gender neutral sleepers that I got because they were light cotton and on sale and when I went into Carters to get a few "props" for our pregnancy announcement photos I couldn't resist. I am pretty much holding out on the rest and will probably buy a few random things here and there, if I really like them.  This is our first, and the first grandchild on both sides of the family. We have been advised not to buy anything because our families are going to go nuts buying for baby. 
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    Nothing, I won't buy anything until I am at least 20 weeks. We already have two kids so we won't need anything big, just diaper and wipes.
    Married 2006
    DS1 2010
    DS2 2013
    DD1 2016
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    nanampnanamp member
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    I just found out buy buy baby carries the cloth diapers I want so whenever they send me a 5 off 15 coupon I'm going to buy one and start my stash. I'm also buying the poo liners.
    How do you get the coupon? Do you need to make a purchase first?
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie - FiGB
    Married DH 11/15/08
    Formerly MissMheMhe
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    @MMLmeow Ive bought things there randomly over the years for friends. I also signed up on their website. I get the coupons pretty frequently. You can also use bed bath and beyond coupons although they won't necessarily take expired ones.
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    Nothing! Well my mom bought a ton of girl clothes ( don't worry we've kept receipts) but I haven't bought anything I figure I'm going to need clothes before baby does! I think by next month I will buy this north face snow suit that I saw on sale!
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    Mostly just maternity clothes, bella bands, and vitamins for me, haha. (2nd baby, early showing!) But I did pick up Sofie giraffe and a Sofie book when we were in London. That's all so far! The rest will wait until we know if we have a boy or girl :) 
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    I went ahead and bought a gender neutral car seat off a friend who was getting rid of hers (I knew it's history...no wrecks, not expired), and a double stroller since we have a 2 year old. It's was a serious steal on Craigslist that I couldn't pass up (saved about $200). We already have the big stuff from our toddler, and I'm waiting on clothes, etc until we find out the sex. I'll probably buy diapers as they go on sale.
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    I don't know if anyone else's hospital does it, but hospital employees can buy cases of newborn Pampers super cheap. I had my aunt pick up a box. Depending on how early baby comes, I may have her pick up a second.
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    I have bought a few little gender neutral clothing items, some all natural baby detergent and stain remover, as well as all natural bottle cleaner. I have some teethers, some feeding spoons, and a large Disney storybook. Some of these items I got on sale and the others I couldn't resist!
    I'm refraining from buying anymore clothes or any diapers/wipes since I'm anticipating a lot of that at my baby shower.
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    I got rid of everything after number 3 so I've got a lot to shop for. We are not planning on finding out the gender though. I plan to try cloth diapers so that is one thing to shop for. I'm trying not to stress about it until much later.
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    havent bought anything yet. maybe it doesnt seem real quite yet? its still so so early and this is my first pregnancy so i plan to wait; probably once we find out gender. i am also having to move and we have to buy a house so there's that lol
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    Nothing! This is our 2nd girl and we cloth diaper, so won't need to buy anything. Good thing, since we'll need all the savings we can get to pay for 2 in daycare.
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    Nothing. We saved everything from DS and got gender neutral for all the big ticket items. If we have another boy we're set, except for nursery stuff. If we have a girl we'll need clothes. Either way we'll wait until after the a/s.
    BFP #1 10/6/11 | EDD 6/15/12 | MMC 11/7/11 @ 8w3d | D&C 11/14/11

    BFP #2 8/22/12 | EDD 5/5/13 | DS1 born 5/9/13

    BFP #3 4/25/15 | EDD 1/7/16 | MMC 7/2/15 @ 13w1d | D&E 7/8/15

    BFP #4 12/9/15 | EDD 8/22/16 | DS2 born 5/18/16 at 26w2d

    Just keep swimming.
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    Nothing yet. We are moving in October so I'm trying not to buy much until after we move. This baby is #2, so we already have all the big stuff.
    BFP #1 - EDD 4/18/13 | DS born 5/1/13. 9 lbs. 14 oz., 22 inches long.

    BFP #2 - EDD 1/25/16
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    @sullyn the bum genius Freetime AIO.

    Sweet! I'm looking into those.
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    I've been buying toys and books here and there the past couple of years. I bought a gender neutral onsie to gift my husband when I told him. Otherwise we'll probably wait until we know the sex.
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    enkbenkb member
    Nothing!  I knit a newborn hat the day I found out to try and make it feel more real, but I'm not ready to buy anything yet.  It's our first and will be my parents 1st grandchild so I'm thinking there will be a lot bought for the little fig and I don't want to end up with way more than we need.  I've also heard about babies having preferences for certain kinds of diapers, pacifiers, bottles, swings etc so I'm worried about stocking up on one thing only to find that the little guy doesn't like that kind :)  I also have a close friend who just had her last and offered us lots of their stuff as they are running out of room to store it!
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    Im 9 weeks and I've purchased the belly band and some looser clothing. I ordered two maternity dresses but I wasn't prepared and I'm sending them back.

    I think when we know the sex, I will register and probably start picking things up. Especially if it's a girl since the clothes are so dang cute.
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    Whenever I see a box of diapers on sale for a good price I grab them, have maybe 5 boxes in a few sizes. Also last night bought a crib. I figure we'll do one big purchase a month, so it's not too much all at once. FTM, so starting from scratch.
    Me: 32 DH: 32
    Married 11/24/13
    DD1 born 12/24/15
    TTC #2 Aug. 16
    BFP for #2 11/22/16

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    cawalpcawalp member
    I'm also planning on buying stuff about once a month to keep the price shock lower for my DH. FTM so starting from nothing, though I have a friend with a new baby that is sending me stuff as he grows out of it.
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    Those are good ideas. I haven't had a baby in 16 years so everything is so new again.
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    We aren't planning to find out gender either. But I already feel so behind. I'm a little obsessive. :)
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    LugaruLugaru member
    Yeah don't buy anything lol for our first by the time I was 8 month pregnant I had clothe for the first like 6months of his life. The only thing we bought was the crib+changing table
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    We have a few packs of newborn and size 1 diapers already packed away and we happen to make our own wipes. We're planning on going out to purchase the crib and other nursery items in the next couple of months. We are definitely getting a Diaper Genie Elite again. I had one with my first two sons and it's something I simply loved having with pets and other children, haha.

    A few stores seem to have newborn and 0-6 month onesies on sale for dirt cheap (especially if they have no designs) and it's just plain silly to pass those over. Newborns are pretty much just in their diapers or onesies to begin with!

    Foods, wipes, creams, shampoos and whatnot we make ourselves from home so that's a bunch of money saved right there. Likewise with burp rags, swaddles and such. However, I love the swaddling blankets that wrap your baby up like a glowworm. I'll definitely be getting a few of those while keeping an eye on sales. :)
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    mke779mke779 member
    Nothing yet! Almost 11 weeks and still doesn't feel real even though I've seen baby twice now. This is number 3 after a 9 year hiatus, so we need everything! I did stock up on diapers with #1, but I agree that different diapers work for different babies, and rashes can occur too. For my daughter I preferred Pampers and it was Huggies for my son, and Luvs gave them a rash!
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    We bought a Jacadi white jumpsuit to mark our first ultrasound and that's it! I figure we have six months to go, and we know what major pieces we want already (cradle brand, pram design, furniture). We are moving in two months so I think we'll start on setting up the nursery then!
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    I got a double stroller yesterday! It's secondhand, the previous owners bought it for a trip and never used it again, yet they were selling it for half the price of other people selling that same one in a way crappier state. I called the guy 10 minutes after he posted the ad and went to get it two hours later and he said he had already gotten over 10 calls. I figure even if we end up not needing it I can easily get my money back re-selling it.
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    I told SO that we should start doing buying wipes and diapers! That way it prepares your budget for diapers/wipes and we'll have a stock pile! I bought a baby blanket (gender neutral) when I was eight weeks. It was so precious and it had a giraffe on it. Giraffes are kind of an inside joke with SO. He also picked out a book to read to the baby, once the lo can hear him. I picked out a stuffed giraffe, too. I really don't think we'll pick up anything else (except the wipes and diapers). I can't wait to start our registry. It'll be the first grandchild on both sides and the first great grandchild, too. :)
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