Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

No heavy bleeding just spotting? possible tmi

This is my first miscarriage and while the dr did try to prepare me for what would happen I am so confused with what my body is doing.

We found out last Wednesday that our lo heart rate had dropped significantly and would probably stop in the near future. I started spotting at 7weeks. (Three days ago) Today I think i passed the sac. Not positive but it did not look like any discharge i have ever seen before. My concern is that i have only been spotting and passing some clots. I have had no bleeding close to a normal period. I was expecting heavy bleeding. It's Saturday and I don't want to call the after hours line for this. Do you think it will still come? Should I be concerned if I'm passing clots? Ant insight is appropriated.

Re: No heavy bleeding just spotting? possible tmi

  • Im so sorry you are going through this! I had a missed MC - I too had on/off spotting for 1w at 11w - then @ 12w clots and heavy bleeding for 2 days then stopped again on thursday. Finally today at 12w4d I had the full episode and it's over. Clots is good, honestly if it's your first MC its easy to mistake some clots for the sac (my 1st mc was 5w so not much different from a period - this time my fetus was 8w2d & I passed many other clots the same size as it). I wouldn't rush to call just yet. The bleeding may very well start in a couple of days. I would wait until monday if you can, if you want the proccess over more quickly there are options and you can discuss with your Dr. but they will probably want to do a sono/pelvic exam to be sure whether or not baby is still there before deciding.
    Again Im so sorry you are going through this. Never easy to hear or make decisions about. Praying for you!
  • WLJ2WLJ2 member
    Thank you. It's good to know that this could be completely normal. I will probably call Monday morning though. I am suppose yo have an appt Wednesday. Not sure if I need to keep it.
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  • Okay good luck! I would keep some sort of appt. anyway. Are you scheduled for a sono? My doctor has me going in for a follow up to be sure I passed everything.
  • I had a mmc where the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks but the actual miscarriage didn't start until almost 10 weeks. I started bleeding a bit, what I would consider a light to moderate period. It wasn't until day 16 of that bleeding that the "cramps" (basically contractions) started and I passed the sac. Once that happened I realized that everything else had been clotting. It was my first pregnancy and miscarriage and it was all new to me too. I'm
    Sorry you have to go through this too and hope you find some relief soon.
  • I was just going to ask this question. I am 10 1/2 weeks and had a confirmed blighted ovum diagnosis Tuesday. Before I could decide what to do, start labor with pills, a dnc or natural miscarriage I started cramping Friday night and started spotting Saturday morning. But only spotting. Sometimes pink, sometimes red, a lot of brown and brownish red but nothing that I would expect for a miscarriage. I had one at 5 1/2 weeks and it was way worse and way more painful than what I've been experiencing so far. I really just want it over with but I feel like it hasn't totally hit yet and I'm wondering if that's normal and when it finally will! I'm sorry you are also going through this.
  • WLJ2WLJ2 member
    Thank you ladies. I called this morning. We are keeping my appt and sono for Wednesday. But i am anxious for this to end so I can move on. I am fine until I have yo talk about it. Then I break down again each time.
  • i'm also at the stage of having a mc, i had my second us earlier and still no fetal pole...this is my first pregnancy and we've been trying since we got married...i've told a couple of people about it and i told them i'm fine but deep inside it actually hurts and talking about it just makes me break down and cry :'(
  • @hinorhei I am sorry to hear about your baby. I also lost my first pregnancy at 10W5d. Just take it day by day, I  too cried yesterday at work while I was going over the details with a coworker that knew. I just want to be done telling those that knew...I think I may be close. Every time I talk about it, I break down. It is getting a little better every day, but it is a rollercoaster of emotions. I have a 1 week follow-up from the d&c tomorrow (since we are going on vacay during my 2-week follow-up and the doctor is out for the following 2 weeks!). I'll update y'all and see what he says. I too want to start ttc asap. Hugs to all!
    ******TW******Siggy warning
    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
    BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; 
    BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016 

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  • @babylavender My two MMC were very different. Both started with two days of spotting. The first one I bleed moderately and passed clots for five day before I passed the sac. With this one I started cramping last night pretty severely and I passed most of it all at once this morning. There is still some to go, but it really scared me to see it all at once like that.

    @WLJ2 I went to the ER; which was a mistake. I thought the point of going on when you are bleeding heavily is that they will see you straight away and do something to help. I waited for hours and then the doctor tried to manually remove the tissue that was left. I had to tell her to stop. It was horribly painful and I just wanted to go home. By the time I actually saw the doctor the bleeding had slowed considerably. If it ever happens again I am staying at home, like the first time. Having done it both ways I would encourage letting it happen naturally (but be sure you are not experiencing pooling or signs of infection, then you need to go in). I also have an appointment Wednesday, they will do a sono to be sure I
    have completed.

    My thoughts are with you all. Xx
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