
Questions to those with pcos and fertility knowledge....

edited June 2015 in Infertility
My husband and I have been Ttc since January ,about a month and a half ago I had my regular gyno visit and told her my concerns with my irregularity (my cycles have always been between 31-38 days). She suggested I have my blood drawn and speak with a ob/gyn (she's a nurse practioner )to ease my mind of any issues. I did ,then at my follow up appointment, the dr walked in and immediately told me I have pcos. She then told me for the past 5 months of me OPKing ,it was false positives . She then had me go have a transvaginal ultrasound where the tech told she could see that cycles egg ,the follicle it had come from,and my lining was thick.I was given provera (my cycle was on day 41 at this point) and started my period 2days later. I had my blood drawn 3 days after that and will have my blood drawn again this next Friday (the 22 day of my cycle). She also sent me home with information to have my husband get a semen analysis, then she said we can get me started on clommid if everything looks right. Where I'm thrown off here is how quickly she jumped to the conclusion of pcos ,and how she immediately wants me to start fertility treatments. I feel like she possibly umbrella diagnosed me,but then at the same time it could just be my positive nature trying to convince myself that everything is probably fine. Is it normal for those with pcos to test positive on opk's ? Not including my last cycle,I always started my period about 13-15 days after my flashing smiley . Any input would be so so much appreciated. Also,I'm sorry for my strange typing,I'm using an ipad and it is so so much different than android and I'm just figuring my way around.....

Re: Questions to those with pcos and fertility knowledge....

  • I have pcos and the opk's were inaccurate for me; I used them for after a miscarriage to see when I could expect a period since they have always been random. I was getting smiley faces every couple of days but then my period came two days after the last one, I doubt I was fertile for long of time and that close to my period just my thoughts though. I used the clear blue brand.
  • The OPKs can have false positives with PCOS but I have this condition and they were accurate, but the diagnosis requires more than just irregular periods- usually there are other symptoms depending on the type of PCOS you have including abnormal hair growth (chin), hair loss or thinning, acne, hard time keeping weight off unless you're like me (lean PCOS), BUT on ultrasound they should see a "string of pearls" (whole bunch of follicles at the same time) and there are other hormonal tests (androgen/testosterone levels and insulin tolerance testing) that should be performed. Since no treatment is risk free, I would request referral to an RE as your ultrasound doesn't sound supportive (reproductive endocrinologist)- good luck!
    Me 39 DH44
    Married 8/2/14
    TTC 9/14
    Dx: PCOS, blocked L fallopian tube, suspect poor egg quality
    MFI (low #, poor morphology)
    IVF #1 9/15 Failed
    IVF #2 12/15 Failed
    1st DE FET  5/16-BFN :(
    2nd DE FET 7/18-BFP :)
    8/17 Baby HR 140/min EDD 4/6/17
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  • Hello! 
    Yes, typically OPKs don't always work properly for women with PCOS. it is due to your temps going all crazzyyyy!!!.. you should start tempting BBT and tracking CM - if you haven't. Mabis thermometer is a good one and only around $8-$10 on Amazon. This will give you information about what your body is doing and you can see if you are ovulating or not. Also get the book Taking Charge of your Fertility - VERY informative. 

    I agree with @2legbaby - refer to an RE. they can give you more support and insight than your typical OB-GYN. And don't take clomid through your OB-GYN, because they don't monitor you. RE will monitor your body and ovulation... so, if you do go that route, deff. go with the RE to be safe and informed throughout the entire process. plus, it also doesn't hurt to get a second opinion if you think that your first doctor diagnosed you too fast with PCOS. 

    ME: 24 | HIM: 30
    Dr put me on BC pills at age 18 to regulate period. 
    <3 Got Married July 2013  <3
    TTC: Since Jan. 2014. 
    Diagnosed with PCOS Fall 2014. (Not IR)
    Fertility Acupuncture March 2015 - December 2015
    First BFP on 2/6/2016!

    (Typical Cycle length 35-48 days)

  • cm006jcm006j member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS last year and I've had a lot of luck using diet to get my cycles back. I've been eating as though I had Diabetes (low carb, low sugar), all the carbs I do eat are complex, more fruits and veggies, etc. My friend recommended the book WomanCode by Alissa Vitti and I've been following her guidelines.

    Within two weeks of starting I got a period. Since then my cycles have been 30-40 days (instead of 90-130) and my temperature shows an ovulation shift on my charts (as opposed to being so all over the place it looks random).

    So I'm feeling really hopeful that I can manage PCOS and still get pregnant without medication. Though I'm still definitely open to trying medications if I need to. 

    This cycle was a bust but I'll try a couple more times before I look into what the next step is for me. 
  • I've been temping and today I got a smiley opk,although I'm confused because if I've been temping correctly (a minute after waking up,before I hop out of bed) it seems my temp has dropped ...I feel cramps and my cm is is clear and watery..I bought some preseed and Ii know it sounds silly,but I'm excited to see what this month holds,all I can do is be positive and I feel like with my change of our diets ,temping,preseed,I'm hoping and praying this month will be the month!!
  • What would sound crazy and silly is the fact I'm so excited to use preseed and see if my changes are gonna pay off :)
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