My husband and I have been Ttc since January ,about a month and a half ago I had my regular gyno visit and told her my concerns with my irregularity (my cycles have always been between 31-38 days). She suggested I have my blood drawn and speak with a ob/gyn (she's a nurse practioner )to ease my mind of any issues. I did ,then at my follow up appointment, the dr walked in and immediately told me I have pcos. She then told me for the past 5 months of me OPKing ,it was false positives . She then had me go have a transvaginal ultrasound where the tech told she could see that cycles egg ,the follicle it had come from,and my lining was thick.I was given provera (my cycle was on day 41 at this point) and started my period 2days later. I had my blood drawn 3 days after that and will have my blood drawn again this next Friday (the 22 day of my cycle). She also sent me home with information to have my husband get a semen analysis, then she said we can get me started on clommid if everything looks right. Where I'm thrown off here is how quickly she jumped to the conclusion of pcos ,and how she immediately wants me to start fertility treatments. I feel like she possibly umbrella diagnosed me,but then at the same time it could just be my positive nature trying to convince myself that everything is probably fine. Is it normal for those with pcos to test positive on opk's ? Not including my last cycle,I always started my period about 13-15 days after my flashing smiley . Any input would be so so much appreciated. Also,I'm sorry for my strange typing,I'm using an ipad and it is so so much different than android and I'm just figuring my way around.....
Re: Questions to those with pcos and fertility knowledge....
Me 39 DH44
1st DE FET 5/16-BFN
2nd DE FET 7/18-BFP
8/17 Baby HR 140/min EDD 4/6/17
First BFP on 2/6/2016!