
Back pain

emaddockemaddock member
edited June 2015 in C-sections
I am 2 weeks PP and have all of a sudden started having horrible low back pain. I am miserable and even the Percocet I still have left doesn't help. I have no idea if this is csection related or not. Not sure if it is related but yesterday I felt a small abdominal pop internally.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it worth calling my OB?
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Re: Back pain

  • I have the same thing going on I am only 2 days pp but it might be from gas. That's what mine is from and I can't pass gas cause it hurts to strain.
  • I'm in the same boat you are! 2 weeks pp and now have horrible back and tailbone pain. I found using an Icy Hot patch works MIRACLES!!!!
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