Cloth Diapering

NB Stash

Tell me whats in your NB stash.  


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Re: NB Stash

  • This is my second so it's changed from the first time around.

    9 nb simplex aios
    13 nb bumgenius aios
    6 kissaluvs size 0
    12 nb gmd Prefolds
    12 osocozy flats
    2 xs thirsties covers
    3 thirsties size 1 covers

    The simplex diapers are my favorites! We got those this time around since we love aios and they have fabulous reviews!

    We had the bgs with my son and I made tiny doublers so they can continue to work even once the absorbency is maxed out.

    I surprisingly like the Prefolds and flats more this time around. I wasn't good at folding the Prefolds the first time and thought they were bulky -- they really aren't if you fold them tightly. :) (I really like the jelly roll fold). My husband likes the flats - and there are great mini folds for those. As for covers we have way too many!! So we could get by with 2, since we never get poop on the covers. I prefer the size 1 covers to the xs, they don't seem bulky and will last longer.

    I'm surprised I'm not really a fan of the kissaluvs. They had great reviews, but are bulky and don't seem better than the flats or prefolds. And for the costs I'd get aios and flats to supplement vs. fitteds.

    All of this has worked on our 6 lb 14 oz girl from birth. We did cloth at the hospital without any issues too!

    As for quantity. I'd aim for 36 min. I know I have extras but usually have 22 in a wash cycle and wash eod.
  • I have 24 nb cloths in all..
    12 Osocozy bamboo prefolds
    2 hemp inserts that can be used at nb prefolds
    1 aio bumgenius
    1 thirstie fitted
    1 kissaluvs hemp fitted
    7 kissaluvs organic cotton/sherpa fitteds
    5 covers

    Not that you asked but i will share anyway, in my area there is a locally owned store who teaches about cloth diapers and they offer diaper classes among other types of classes and after learning about them all I loved the prefolds, and fitteds the most for nbs. I purchased 6 after taking the class because they gave me a discount for my time. I was gifted the rest at my shower. I also have at least a total 30 diapers from flat/Towelette nappys motherease, fitted like, nappys with a slew of covers I got from,1 craigslist mom, then from a craigslist dad I got 16 one size pockets and aios with at least 30 inserts and doublers from someone else off craigslist for a complete stash of diapers until this baby is potty trained. I just pray I don't have any issues with leaks and repelling and will love them when it's time for the baby to come as I do in theory thinking about total I paid $400 for them all.

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  • 13 NB GB AIOS
    12 GMD prefolds newborn size
    4 XS thirsties covers

    TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!!  Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) 
    #1 born December 2011
    TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
    #2 born May 2013
    TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
    #3 born August 2015 
    #4!!!!!!! due June 2017 
  • I have 12 GMD nb prefolds
    14 GMD workhorse fitteds 8 w snaps 6 w/o snaps
    2 lil joeys
    8 THX nb aios
    2 fuzzibunz xs
    1 Alva baby nb pockets
    1 nb rumperoos cover
    2 nb prowrap covers
    1 bummis super Brite cover
    3 tiny assunta covers
    1 loveybums wool nb cover
    5 snappis
    1 imagine baby (?) NB diaper

    My plan is to get some BG nb aios when I find out the gender, as well as more prefolds. What do you guys think?
  • 26 prefolds with 4 thirsties duo wrap size one covers. Once he's a little bigger, I have 22 Bumgenius Freetime AIO's to add in to the mix.
  • I have 32 GMD prefolds NB size I got on Craigslist for $20, and 15 gDiaper covers, NB size. And a bunch of snappies.

    That's all I used with my first one, planning on doing the same with this new munchkin.
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