September 2015 Moms

Concerned but the dr said its ok...

So I'm 25wk 3days and at my lovely 3 hr glucose test on wed I went to the restroom and had light brown/light blood discharge in my underwear and also when I wiped. I told the nurse and she asked the dr and they only said its normal as long as I don't fill up a pad. It still happening not any heavier but just concerning. Has anyone else had this issue? I never had anything like this with my first. This pregnancy is like a whole different world. Sorry for the TMI!

Re: Concerned but the dr said its ok...

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    Since you TMI'd first... Could it be from your rear and not gynecological?
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    ^was going to say the same thing...darn hemis!
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    I freaked myself out yesterday with this and it was just from straining to go to the bathroom and once I figured it out I calmed down..only slightly lol but if you're that uncomfortable about it going to get it checked out won't hurt
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    I had a tiny bit of brown once a few weeks ago and none since. It was definitely discharge and not from my heiny. My doc was not worried at all, and baby is perfect.
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    jen83mnjen83mn member
    edited June 2015
    To echo the pp's, are you sure it's not from your heiny? Straining when having a BM or hemorrhoids will bleed and can cause blood/brown staining. It's hard to tell where it's coming from sometimes unless you just wipe the front part first, check, then the back.

    If it's not from your heiny, did you have any type of cervical check while at the doc? Or have you had sex recently? Any irritation to the cervix can cause some spotting since it's so sensitive right now. I had some spotting at 5 weeks and again at 8 weeks (after having a Pap smear ... the spotting lasted three days).

    I also had a blood vessel rupture around 22 weeks (I'm almost 28 weeks now) which terrified me because I had quite a bit of bright red blood in the toilet after I peed and on the toilet paper when I wiped. Went to L&D and was tested for a bladder infection and had my cervix examined - no blood to be found. I only had bleeding that one instance and didn't have any on the way to the hospital or once I got there. Doc said I had a blood vessel rupture which was nothing to worry about. My doctor also told me that it's only really concerning if it continues, and then they would do some more investigating.

    If it's still happening a week later, I would probably make an appointment just to get checked out. Bladder infections or yeast infections can cause bleeding/abnormal discharge, so it would be worth to rule those out if it continues.
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    I had the same thing happen at 17 weeks and now I'm 28 weeks, they had me on bed rest for a week and said take it easy. If it continues call your doctor again or go to l&d Just to get checked out. Some ladies spot there entire pregnancy.
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    I have the same thing and my doctor said that as long as I'm not in pain, it's not fresh blood (bright red) and not heavy enough to fill up a pad... that it wasn't anything to be concerned with. I have placenta previa so I was freaking out a little bit but he made me feel a lot better.

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    Thanks ladies. I think I'm going to just call the dr tomorrow and let them know it's still happening.
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