
First IUI after MC (loss mentioned)

my DH and I had been been NTNP for three years. We got engaged last May and decided to start charting my cycles and really trying to get pregnant. We got married in August and by October we had no luck. My Dr. Immediately sent us to a fertility specialist. They did a s/a on my DH and it came back 4 million. We were so discouraged thinking we may have to skip IUI and go straight to IVF. We decided to give IUI a try even tho our Dr preferred more than 5 million. I had picked up my chlomid and was prepring myself. I ended up getting pregnant naturally in November. Due to the circumstances I was able to receive an early ultrasound. We were 6w4d and baby had a strong heartbeat. Christmas came and we announced to family first then to all our friends. I went in for my follow up ultrasound January 6 and they let us know the baby had stopped growing at 7 weeks and they could no longer find the heartbeat. It was the most devastating time in our lives. We have since moved into a new home and are ready to start trying again. Day 1 was tuesday june9, im taking 50 mg of chlomid days 5-9 and am going in for my first ultrasound monday. Im so nervous and excited just trying to stay calm and stress free. I would love to find a cycle buddy or some help on ways to destress and to hear success stories. Sorry this is so long... Here is the only place its easy to talk about these things.

Re: First IUI after MC (loss mentioned)

  • Hi @buchananjayme009 sorry for your loss. We also experienced a missed miscarriage. We saw our baby and its heartbeat at 7 weeks, and we didn't find out we lost it till 12 weeks when I started to bleed. Our baby stopped growing just after 8 weeks. We were absolutely heartbroken as I still had pregnancy symptoms and was still 'showing' and friends and family started to ask us at about 10 weeks. We thought we were so close to the second trimester, it just got ripped away from us with no warning. Such a hard process to go through. We have since started IUI also and am on our third round this month (I'm in my 2ww now). IUI has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for us too. Last round I over analysed everything and took pregnancy tests about every second day. Heartbreaking to say the least. This time round I'm trying to occupy myself and haven't tested at all. I'm actually too scared to test, too scared to see yet another negative result. I don't think it will ever be an easy battle but I feel better that we are actually doing something to better help our chances. Hope your IUI journey goes well, take it easy and occupy yourself ;)
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