About 10 days after having my baby girl, the high of having her took a drastic turn to the baby blues. We are now about 5 weeks pp and I still have symptoms of the baby blues and it's really starting to weigh on my relationship. My boyfriend is wanting me to get help for it because he says he can't handle the drastic ups and downs anymore. I don't feel like it's a serious issue that can be helped, I just feel like I am exhausted and I get overwhelmed from not being able to care for myself properly. He doesn't wake in the night for her at all, it's only me, and then he's at work all day and at night he can do what he pleases, so I don't think he really understands how overwhelming it can get. Do I need help?
Re: Is this serious?
The second week after having DS I went in to see the OB and talked about how I was feeling. To be on the safe side I have been put on Depression/Anxiety medication due to the fear of it turning into PPD. I was also given a counselors name in case I needed to talk to someone other than family and friends.
While I hate the fact that I am medicating myself in order to be able to function like my old self, I am also thankful that there are resources out there. I am hoping after a few months I will no longer need the medication.
If I were you, I would reach out to your OB. And if you haven't already, talk to your boyfriend about needing him to help out a little bit more.
I would start with your PCP rather than your OB. They should be monitoring you for this.
Given the fact that you have already had your postpartum appointment, I would go to your PCP about it. They should be able to help you.