Hi ladies... I am going in for my first IVF transfer tomorrow! I am super excited and a little bit nervous! Yesterday I got my update call from my fertility clinic about my embryos-- we have 10 that looks good still (which is how many were fertilized). At Day 3 cell division was between 6 cells to 8 cells for 7 embryos and 3 embryos were "more advanced" and had more than 8 cells! They told me this is good news so hopefully that means this will work. I really really want them to put in 2 embryos but my doctor keeps saying it's not necessary since I am 28... Either way though, I'm gonna try one last stitch effort tomorrow to talk him into transferring 2!

any advice on the transfer?!?
Re: Transfer Tomorrow
My suggestions for the actual transfer are pretty simple. I know it's stressful but try to have fun with it. Joke around with whoever you're bringing with you. I mean, normals people have fun while conceiving so why not us? I'd also have a movie marathon picked out and ready in the bedroom for when you get home. And if you can afford it, take the next day off and easy too. After both of mine I was still a but sore after and walked funny.
After this, the real fun part begins with the 2ww! I'd try to schedule as much stuff as I could in there to keep my mind off of it- shopping, ball games, dinner with friends that know what I'm struggling through. And try your hardest not to over analyze every single symptom, especially if you are on any estrogen or progesterone.
Good luck! Keep us posted. Fx for sticky bean/s.
Good luck and sticky baby dust to all of you!!
@Cwynn88 good luck on your eta tomorrow!!! Did you do a hpt?
@MKLEWIS2010 how did your beta go?!?
Hope you all get your bfps very soon!!
Edited because half my post was deleted!
Unfortunately I had a BFN. I am still dealing with it but DH and I thought it might help to push through and go straight into a FET since we have 3 frozen embryos. Also the success rates are higher with FET. I have my fingers crossed this one will work.