I don't have a ton of experience with babies, but DS is by far the most intense baby I've come across/watched.
He was loud as soon as he arrived. He refused to stay asleep in the hospital bassinet from day 1. I didn't get any sleep until a sympathetic nurse helped me set up the bed rails for bed-sharing. I was about ready to sleep on the floor. He nursed almost all the time.
Once we were home he would only nap in my lap/carrier or if I were in bed with him. Otherwise, he'd be up after a few minutes, screaming.
He's so easily stimulated, his own sneezes sent him into a crying fit. He still needs consoling through the hiccups. Baths don't relax him. They used to freak him out and now they excite him.
I haven't driven since he was born. 10 min car rides are too stressful for him, even with me sitting in the back, unless he's put in the seat already asleep. We pray for the lights to stay green!
I needed to take breaks from pumping for the occasional bottle because that involved having him nap in the wrap while I pumped, desperately hoping he wouldn't wake up. Of course, he would.
I paced with him for hours a day, with music on. Holding him wasn't enough. I couldn't do chores while he was awake in the wrap or he'd freak out.
He took it up a notch a couple of weeks ago. I was reduced to doing chores in 5 min blocks or not at all.
Somehow, we got through it. And as long as we responded to his needs, he was content. He rarely escalates now. And, right on his 3 month birthday, just as I was at my wit's end, he started napping on his own - preferring it, actually - and taking a pacifier. Though, getting him to sleep is another matter. I can finally eat a meal without interruption (or while lying down in bed in a dark room!)
He has the cutest smiles and babbles. He's awesome all in all. It makes the work a lot easier.
Thanks for reading. Do you have a spirited child? What's your experience like?
Re: We made it to 3 months (long)
DS number 1 was very high maintenance. As a brand new baby he slept a lot but after s week or two there was no more sleeping. He didn't sleep through the night until he was one. Wouldn't sleep at all unless I held him. I slept on our couch with him in my arms until he was one year. I was back at work after 9 weeks and totally exhausted. He had colic. He was just very high maintenance.
Now, he's the wild child. I love him to pieces. He's very creative and enthusiastic and loves people and learning and doing things hands on. He's sweet as sweet can be. He loves with his whole heart. He's sensitive. He's smart. He's funny. But that kid will press buttons you didn't know you had!! Lol
DD is very different. She's a girl and she's 2 so she has her moments for sure but she's much calmer.
Sam, our newest, is a pretty good baby. He sleeps (so far) better then either of our older kids. Hopefully he stays a good sleeper.
Big hugs to you for getting through this! I'm glad it's getting better!
Today he threw a tantrum because I missed 2 dog hairs while vacuuming.
His newborn period sounds a lot like @neonnoon 's description above.
I'm surprised we had another! .So far, this one is much more relaxed. Honestly, if she's like him, we're done having kids. If not, we'll consider a 3rd. I love DS to death, and his personality will make him successful as an adult. But I can't handle another one like him!
**siggy warning**
Current Age 35, DH 33
Married 9/2011
BFP 8/2012, Miscarried 9/2012
BFP 9/2012, DS 6/2013
BFP 6/2014, Miscarried 7/2014
BFP 7/2014, DD 4/2015
It also seems like he's cluster feeding a lot. Especially in the early evening hours. I feel like he is constantly at the breast.