..."sleeping" in bed with you and DH is a Boppie pillow, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding book, a burp cloth, a blanket, and all your electronic devices. (Breastfeeding essentials.)
Our bed filled up when this tiny creature arrived!
You forget to eat because you're so consumed with taking care of a newborn.
This has only been a thing the past few days since I'm home alone now. I'm making a conscious effort today to make sure I get food fairly regularly. The dirty diaper can wait 5 minutes while I stuff a peanut butter sandwich in my mouth!
You can't stop staring at lo, waking up freaking out what time it is because you want to make sure he eats and his diaper is ok not to mention making sure lo is breathing fine.
Its a good day when you and the baby had a bath. Daytime naps consist of you holding your l/o so they stay asleep. You change a diaper to find l/o is peeing or pooping during the change.
When ...even though all they do is sleep, it seems they are breastfeeding 24/7... And you can't sleep because you just want to watch them so you don't miss anything ...while they are asleep. You have opportunity to sleep when they do, but the anxiety of no sleep doesn't allow you to sleep ... And you try to post something on the bump and all I can say is "sleep"
The words poop explosion have taken on a whole new meaning. Getting 5 hours of sleep is a mini victory. Your whole day revolves around your pumping/feeding schedule (exclusive pumper here).
Your feet have the dexterity of a monkey, with the ability to grab anything from the foot of the bed and bring it up to your side, without disturbing LO while breastfeeding.
Your feet have the dexterity of a monkey, with the ability to grab anything from the foot of the bed and bring it up to your side, without disturbing LO while breastfeeding.
You are not sure what day it is. You lose track of time and use your infant's feeding schedule to give you an idea of what time it is. You forget when things happen. For instance I was talking to DH about something funny that DS said earlier that day. He looked at me, sighed, and said "babe that wasn't earlier today. That happened two days ago." Man I can't wait to be able to sleep more than two hours at a time!! The sleep deprivation is really getting to me this time! 8-}
When getting out of the door takes a ridiculous amount of time and your LO decides at the last minute that it's the perfect time to take a monumentous-sized number 2.
Your feet have the dexterity of a monkey, with the ability to grab anything from the foot of the bed and bring it up to your side, without disturbing LO while breastfeeding.
I'm now a pro at toe grabbing the phone charger off ground..LO socks... And burp cloths. Didn't know my foot talent
I have never been so continuously caught up on laundry because there is always baby laundry to do! Even if it is what I call "bachelor laundry" - ALL sorts of items in one big load. Ha!
I have changed numerous diapers in my lifetime never once have I been peed or pooped on until my little boy I've been peed on so much and forget trying to catch it with the diaper he's to fast
I have changed numerous diapers in my lifetime never once have I been peed or pooped on until my little boy I've been peed on so much and forget trying to catch it with the diaper he's to fast
I try the leave my little guy's diaper on him for a minute after opening the tabs... And sometimes it works. But last night he peed on me four times! This kid totally operates in fours. If you change his diaper before you hear four poop farts, he'll poop right on you. It's incredible.
So in the vein of this thread...
You know you have a newborn when all these really disgusting bodily fluids no longer gross you out...whereas just the term "bodily fluids" used to gross you out!!!!
...you realize that every person who has a newborn from now on you are going to make a freezer meal (at least) and drop it off and leave at their front door.
...you realize that every person who has a newborn from now on you are going to make a freezer meal (at least) and drop it off and leave at their front door.
I second this. Plus add in a little guilt that you didn't do more for your family & friends after they had their babies!
Due to having a newborn and receiving completely random gifts ( which I have done in the past) I will now make sure to always include a gift from the registry as well. I'm rateful for the gifts but some are still random. I'm getting newborn clothes that he is about to outgrow and have to run around exchanging it all. Lesson learned!!
Re: You know you have a newborn when..
Our bed filled up when this tiny creature arrived!
This has only been a thing the past few days since I'm home alone now. I'm making a conscious effort today to make sure I get food fairly regularly. The dirty diaper can wait 5 minutes while I stuff a peanut butter sandwich in my mouth!
Daytime naps consist of you holding your l/o so they stay asleep.
You change a diaper to find l/o is peeing or pooping during the change.
Getting 5 hours of sleep is a mini victory.
Your whole day revolves around your pumping/feeding schedule (exclusive pumper here).
Man I can't wait to be able to sleep more than two hours at a time!! The sleep deprivation is really getting to me this time! 8-}
So in the vein of this thread...
You know you have a newborn when all these really disgusting bodily fluids no longer gross you out...whereas just the term "bodily fluids" used to gross you out!!!!