Its time for another round of FFFQ. Been wondering something but didn't want to ask cause you're afraid you'll sound like a total noob? Me too. But at least here, "Flame Free" is in the title. So if you can put your pride aside to ask, there's probably someone out there who knows or can at least offer insight.
Re: FFFQ - Flame Free Friday Questions! No question too silly, ask 'em all!
There has been talk of ladies having their Virginia's shaved by the medical team while they are in the hospital. This example has been used for many ladies to continue the personal grooming. My question is - is it something that is *always* done regardless? As in, for you l&d nurses, do you end up shaving each patient that comes in? Or for you moms who have delivered already, did they just go ahead shave you? Or is it done as needed, where one patient gets it but another doesn't?
I don't them to dry shave my lady bits, but I can't really work the trimmer anymore.
But I would rather struggle for an hour to give myself a buzzcut than be dry shaved down there, which just sounds terrible.
First world problems
It's a generalized answer because each persons body is so different.
@mellymar @ElRuby
I wasn't shaved for my VBAC but they did shave where the incision was for my csection before that. PP are right, it isn't standard procedure to shave anymore. I trimmed up a little this time but did not perform any acrobatics that's for sure!
Here's my question. Is it normal for babies to have nystagmus when they look far to the left or right? I know it isn't normal when they're looking straight.
Me: 31 DH: 34
Married 11/09/2013
LO#1: LMP 09/14/2014 BFP 10/15/2014 EDD 06/24/2015 DS Born 06/14/2015
LO#2: LMP 09/18/2016 BFP 10/19/2016 EDD 06/27/2017 DD Born 06/27/2017
LO#3: LMP 05/16/2018 BFP 06/18/2018 EDD 02/20/2019
With my first, our doula told us to go to the hospital since I was in a lot of pain but didn't meet the other criteria. As a FTM, I had no idea. I was fully dilated when I arrived. Not sure this really helps, just my experience.
Looking back, I don't think I could have done anything different - just a rookie mistake. I was told when I arrived that I could go home until they became more intense...but they first did a NST and that showed strong/frequent enough contractions that they told me to stay. Knowing what I do now, I wish I'd stayed home another few hours. But hindsight is 20/20, so no regrets, just a lesson learned.
I don't really like them and never planned on using them but I got a bunch at the shower and I'm now last minute questioning my decision. Would love to get other perspectives!
However, I did read that an added benefit is that the use of pacifiers has been linked to a decreased risk of SIDS, which obviously is a pretty good thing! - @karaelaine1991
I read that too. It's playing a big part on why I'm revisiting the idea of pacifiers.
Interesting that your LO is BF better after being introduced to the pacifier. You could be right about it being a coincidence but maybe it's related- like helping with her suction? Wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience
ETA: quote boxes are hard. Made my own.
Thanks for raising and answering this question!! DH keeps asking why we can't use a pacifier and I could only say "because"... Too much info out there lol. It does sound right I was against it when I was going to be bf'ing but now I'm not so we may introduce the paci if things get rough.
ETA spelling
Do I have to orgasm as well in order for the sexy time to be effective? Does it do anything to induce labor if I just steal his semen? Haha
With this baby we are going to play it by ear. If she seems to want to suck on something all night then we will definitely be giving her the pacifier.
Also, I know we're told to lay down and rest to help contractions, but I find that I get more contractions when laying down rather than moving around. Anyone else with the same experience?
@krystleshel I was told by the lc to use dr.browns. my l/o uses those and the medela slow flow nipples. But I agree don't buy a bunch of them until you see what l/o will take. We have several she won't take.
For those who delivered how long did it take for the cord stump to fall off? She is 17 days old and its still there.