March 2015 Moms

Anybody willing to admit...

That their babes sleep on their tummy?

I'll say it - mine absolutely does. Has been since about 5 weeks. I did an insane amount of research before I decided. My nugget hated to be swaddled, is super gassy, and startles so easy. With a little push from my mom I made the decision and he's slept wonderfully ever since.

All the research I did - a lot of moms were shamed for admitting it. I formula feed him too, so I'm sort of used to that part. It's certainly not right for everyone, but I'm curious if anyone else out there did the same thing...

Re: Anybody willing to admit...

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    Both of my kids have/do slept on their tummies. I'm not sure how other mommies ever get their babies to sleep on there backs! Both of my kids have hated being swaddled. Maybe that's where the trouble is for us. Also, I'm terrified of choking in their sleep if they were on their backs! I can't tell you how many times they've just been playing on their backs, spit up, and start choking and gasping for air. I would never get any sleep. The both have been very strong babies at a young age and had great head control. I don't know. All five of my siblings slept on their tummies, all six of my husband's siblings as well. All twelve of my friend's siblings (yes twelve! Haha) slept on their tummies too. Not saying it's for everyone, but we do. And I'm always afraid to mention it because of the gasps I get haha
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    My baby hates to be swaddled. I put the Halo sleep sack on him (open) until he falls asleep, then swaddle his arms. He sleeps in a rock n play, but he used to sleep in a bassinet (but grew to hate it). He's always slept on his back, though. I can't imagine him sleeping on his tummy, I'm too afraid. @torie2132 it's too bad you get shamed for what you do with your baby. It's your choice to do what's best for baby!
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    My LO has been napping on her tummy for about 2 weeks now and it's been fantastic! She naps so much longer and loves napping in her crib. I don't let her sleep that way at night for now. Although, once she starts rolling over, she'll obviously sleep however she wants to. For now, it's just for naps while I'm awake and have the monitor right next to me so I can constantly check that she's still breathing.
    September Siggy Challengeimage
    Baby #1 
    Married: July 2011 TTC October 2012
    Diagnosed IF: Summer 2013 - PCOS
    Clomid cycle #1: 50mg BFN Clomid cycle #2: 100mg BFN
    IUI #1: Clomid 100mg BFN May 2014
    IVF #1: 13 eggs retrieved on 5/21/14, 11 fertilized, 5dt of 1 embryo on 5/26/14, & BFP 7/2/14!!!
    1st Beta: 286 2nd Beta: 770 3rd Beta: 3735
    EDD 3/14/15


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    My husband and I are both extremely paranoid people. The only time I would let any of my kids sleep on their tummy is if I was monitoring them: on my chest or in the same room as me. I get grief from my extended family for our parenting choices, they think we're nuts. Hahaha!
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    So, technically as a medical provider, the "Back to Sleep" initiative is what I need to promote to all my patients. Of course, as a normal person and mom that realizes that some babies hate back sleeping and sleep so much better on their tummies, I always hated pushing that advice with my patients. My LO hates being on her tummy, so it hasn't been an issue. But probably 75% of my friends who have children switched to tummy sleeping pretty early with great results. I would, too, if she slept better that way!
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    Nap on his tummy and sleep on his back. I'm too afraid to leave him on his tummy during the night.
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    I've tried to get LO to nap on his tummy because I think he'll nap better and longer but no luck so far. What he really likes is on his side. I prop up a pillow or rolled up blanket on his back and then just closely check on him with the monitor.
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    I have noticed that if I put my baby to nap on her belly she will sleep a lot longer. And at night I would love to have her sleep on her belly but I'm to scared. :(
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    I'm the same @torie2132. My LO would have a very hard time falling asleep and by 6 weeks I was exhausted and about to go back to work. My mom and my MIL both told me that all of their kids, including me slept on their tummies because that's what doctors used to tell them. I stayed up all night the first night because I was so nervous but he moved his head on his own all night and slept great! He's been on his tummy always since then and we are all much happier for it! Ignore the gasps. We do our best for our LO's and that's what matters!
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    My oldest slept on her tummy. She still does. She slept with me, so I wasn't to concerned. I woke up every time she moved or made a sound. She hated to be swaddled and would only sleep on her tummy. My newborn will only sleep when swaddled! But she sleeps on her back. She has acid reflux and sleeps in her swing in an upright position. If she is flat, she gags really bad and chokes. So if she sleeps with me, she is put on her side because of her gagging. Whatever works for you, is right for your baby. You're their mother. You know them best. Don't let others tell you otherwise. Every child is different and different things work for them! I've had two children come out of the same womb and they are completely different. Do what works for your family.
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    Thank you for posting this!!! My boy sleeps on his tummy for all the same reasons. I had a lot of guilt about it and I still wake up several times a night to make sure he is okay. He has been lifting his head and resting up on his elbows since he was born. He is a very strong boy so it does make me worry less. He sleeps all night on his tummy and doesn't sleep a wink on his back swaddled or not. Now maybe I can actually sleep. 
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    @KitKat0369 don't feel guilty! My nugget does GREAT on his tummy. And he's like yours. Strong, he's been able to lift his head since birth basically. I'm glad I'm not alone :) and I hope it makes you feel better. So sad that it's still so taboo!
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    daniellarhhdaniellarhh member
    edited July 2015
    My little one loves to sleep on her tummy! This is when she's best settled. If she's having a nap in the day (which is fairly rare) then I'll put her on her belly so I can keep an eye on her. If it's bed time then she will always be put on her back to sleep. She also likes to sleep on her side now and then. But it puts me at ease knowing it lowers the risk of SIDS.
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    I have my baby nap on his tummy but I have him sleep through the night on his back. I figure I can check on him during the day, plus by now he's strong enough to move his head from side to side so I doubt he will sleep face down. I was paranoid about it at first but people have been letting babies sleep on their tummies for years so I'm not that worried about it.
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    My son sleeps on his tummy. Since I brought him home from the histpital. He absolutely will not sleep on his back. And I am not ashamed in it and I do not mind admitting it. Yes people may judge. But he is my son and I know what he likes. I would much rather have a happy well rested baby then a baby that is forced to sleep uncomfortably and wake up 10 times a night. My son is 4 months and he sleeps until 9/10 am every morning on his tummy without waking up once.
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    My son has been sleeping on his tummy since he was four or five weeks. He hated to be on his back and wouldn't sleep but for ten minutes at a time that way. He's exclusively breastfed and a healthy baby. I don't see anything so terrible as long as he/she is healthy and you are nearby. He can roll over now so I don't think of it at all anymore.
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    I would be so scared to have mine sleep on her tummy. Luckily she hates it so I don't have to worry.
    SIDS is in my family, I had a brother die at 3 months old. I'm thinking about trying to get her to nap on her tummy though so she gets a bit more time off her back.
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    Since my baby girl can turn by herself she has been sleeping on her tummy, she loves it. At first I was freaked out but now im used to it. Now at 4 months she's tossing and turning everywhere
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    Since my baby girl can turn by herself she has been sleeping on her tummy, she loves it. At first I was freaked out but now im used to it. Now at 4 months she's tossing and turning everywhere
    This. I put DS on his back. He promptly rolls over and tucks his legs up under him. 
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