
Moms who bf'd - ? for you

How did you build up a pumped freezer stash?  I know it's early and I'm not worried about it at the moment, but I am pumping after feedings to supplement him for the jaundice and it got me to thinking about the near future.

With #1 I ended up pumping and bottle feeding for awhile because the bf'ing wasn't working.  So that was easy - I could just pump whenever and feed him what I had and freeze some little by little.  But I don't know how it will work if I'm actually bf'ing. 


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Re: Moms who bf'd - ? for you

  • I  used to pump in the am after my shower while the baby was napping every day and built up a nice supply.
  • I started pumping almost immediately. . . my DD had latch problems and I needed to keep pumping to keep my supply up.  I had such an oversupply at the beginning, that I pumped much more than she needed and saved the extra.  My DH always took the last feeding of the evening and I'd pump during that time (and get twice as much as I needed for the next day's feeding).

    My supply started to level off around 4 months (so I was pumping roughly an equal amount to that feeding).  Luckily, I worked from home (with a nanny), so I didn't really need a huge freezer stash like WOHM's.  When my stash did run low, though (I always like to have some for the nanny in case she was out with DD during a feeding), I just picked another time of day to pump. . . it took 3-4 days to really get my body to produce at that "new" time, but then I could pump a whole extra bottle.  I picked a time that was in the middle of existing feeding time.

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  • I pump after his am feeding.  I'm usually really full first-thing and can get 2-4oz after he eats.

    It was much easier with Law because he only nursed on one side each time he ate, so I'd pump the opposite side while he ate.  I had a great stash by the time I went back to work.

  • Basically, if I wasn't nursing DS or sleeping I was pumping.  That helped to increase my supply.  I pumped every 2-3 hours (even through the night) and stored what I needed for the day/night in the fridge and froze the rest.  I liked the Lansinoh BM storage bags the best. 
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  • I just pumped any free moment I had around the clock.  Yes, that includes the middle of the night.  If the babies got up and ate on one side only, I'd pump the other side.  If they slept through a feeding, I got up and pumped anyway.
  • I try to pump around 5 or 6 in the morning after she nurses.  I'm usually able to get about 4 oz to freeze now.  In the beginning I'd only get about 2.  It's not a ton, but I don't need a huge stash since I stay at home.  I try to keep around 2 days worth of milk in the freezer.

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  • I pumped in the morning after the first feeding (I usually had 3-4 extra ounces at that time) and I'd stay up a little late and pump about 3 hours after the baby went to bed (once I could count on her not waking up soonish). ?
  • I've started pumping after the morning feeding, and sometimes in the afternoon too, if I have the time.
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