Babies: 0 - 3 Months

2 under 2 Need some advise.

hj ladies,
Last Monday I went into labor with my second child. I have a toddler which is now 15 months old. My dear husband took a whole week off for vacations to help me out and stuff. However , we are feeling a little suffocated being at home! Not really stressed , the kids have nothing to do about it, it's just that we are not used to being at home the wholeeee day. My concern is mostly towards my husband , idk why but I just feel bad that he feels like that! Any one has gone through this, sounds stupid but idk what can we do since we have a 1 week old baby girl at home. I would really appreciate any suggestions, ideas or advise.

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Re: 2 under 2 Need some advise.

  • In our family it is a divide and conquer. I stay inside with the newborn and my husband takes the other two to the playground, to walk to get coffee, etc. this way I can heal and protect the newborn and DS and DD can have fun outside and my husband can get out too.

    Having more than 1 is harder but dividing like this has been helpful.
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  • We also divide and conquer. My DH takes older ones out and I stay with the baby to rest and recover and breastfeed. Gradually I am starting to go out with them with the baby and once I introduce a bottle I'll get to go out more with the older kids just me if I want (or ditch ALL the kids and have a solo outing!)
    DS born 10/25/11 **  DD born 6/24/13 **  DS born 4/20/15
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  • hj ladies,
    Last Monday I went into labor with my second child. I have a toddler which is now 15 months old. My dear husband took a whole week off for vacations to help me out and stuff. However , we are feeling a little suffocated being at home! Not really stressed , the kids have nothing to do about it, it's just that we are not used to being at home the wholeeee day. My concern is mostly towards my husband , idk why but I just feel bad that he feels like that! Any one has gone through this, sounds stupid but idk what can we do since we have a 1 week old baby girl at home. I would really appreciate any suggestions, ideas or advise.

    Go out for lunch if you can. It breaks up the day. Maybe picnic somewhere (playground?). It can get you some fresh air!

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  • Thanks ladies ! ☺️

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