Parenting after 35

Seriously!!?? Vent.

I am so ticked off!! I booked newborn pictures for Sam months ago and now she cancels. He's already 5 days old!! Like how am I going to find someone else in the next 5 days!!!
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Re: Seriously!!?? Vent.

  • Oh no!! We always have ppl advertise on those facebook yatd sale pages. Maybe check on fb?
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Proud Mom to Kaleigh (14yr) Emma (12yr) and Hanna (7yr)

    photo 65b2d6f3-b1dd-4a2a-944b-fcb0ed878723_zpsc89c0b93.jpg
  • That sucks
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  • I lucked out and someone I know pulled s string for us. I really felt like this photographer needed to do our session tho. She said she was banking on me going early because I told her I had with my previous kids. But she knew my due date was June 3rd and I had him June 2nd. And even tho she knew that when I booked months and months ago .. She said she was too busy in June. Not cool. This is the second date she's screwed up. I booked her last October and she forgot to schedule the date even tho I had all the emails from her with confirmation of the date. I booked newborn with her because she's fantastic, low priced, and I figured she had just had a baby and forgot the last date.

    Geesh. I'm glad I was able to get in with someone who appears to do good work.
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