So many hugs to you! The pain is so intense in the beginning - I often felt like I was suffocating. It was all encompassing. For me I feel like the pain is not as sharp as time passes. I still miss my child, I still cry, but it's not as overwhelming. I have more good days now after a year than bad days and I know my son would want me to be happy. I want to do my best because I want him to be proud of me. I love and miss him so very much.
Thanks ive always just been the rock for everyone always for my children husband and family members so thank y'all is nice to know one day I'll feel relief and I can be happy again
((Hugs)). Losing a child is life-changing. Take it one moment at a time, one day at a time. It took time, but I have learned to carry my grief with me and still get through the day, still find life worth smiling about. I feel it's like a scar from an injury - you wear that scar for the rest of your life and while the pain lessens, it is always there, a constant reminder of that injury.
Me: 32 DH: 33 High School Sweethearts Married 5/28/2005
DS1 born 6/5/10 at 40 weeks via emergency c-section due to fetal distress and IUGR caused by placental insufficiency
DS2 born still 8/28/13 at 32 weeks via emergency c-section due to a complete placental abruption - cause unknown
Baby #3 on the way, EDD 2/29/16. Originally twins, but we said goodbye to Baby B at 8 weeks.
Re: sad