Hello everyone,
My name is Blue I am a 34 year old woman who has been trying to conceive for 2 years now with no success and who has recently discovered that I am suffering from PCOS.
It's been a tearful journey and I am hoping to be able to talk to women who are in the same boat as me.
My Doctor recently suggested that I start with Inifolic , excercise and some other vitamins in preparation for clomide if this doesn't work by Dec.
I hope that through all of our support we can get through this x
Re: Introduction New member
Thank you for your kind reply - I live in London however our system is pretty similar to the U.S. - I did I fact visit my general doctor and then they sent me to the fertility clinic in my hospital where I had a series of test and finally in the 26th May I received my results , which confirmed I had PCOS and that I am not ovulating .
Sorry to hear about your tough journey and that you discovered you have PCOS.
I myself found out on Monday that I have PCOS, and am still in a little shock.
Although I must admit I'm one of the lucky ones as I do ovulate, just not a ripe/mature egg.
I have already started giving myself injections (scary as hell the first time, but it turns out, it's not that scary after the 3rd injection)
Glad to hear you are with a fertility clinic, they know what they are doing and can give you the proper help, guidance and follow up.
And for all the other stuff, we are here on this forum, to listen, exchange experience and trying to help each other get through this.
Crossing my fingers for you and sending you lots of warm and happy thoughts!
Let's hope and pray that all of us will at some point be smiling :-)