if anyone wants to share experiences I am starting a thread.
I am having trouble breastfeeding and the current theory is my nipples being a tough shape plus a potential tongue tie of our little girl.
We are seeing a specialist tomorrow and I'm hopeful resolving this will help.
Has anyone else experienced this and how did it all turn out?
I felt so guilty that our girl essentially didn't eat for the first 2 days of life. It's awful feeling. I am pumping and formula feeding for now and baby is improving. Hoping tongue tie issue will continue to fix the breastfeeding issue!
Re: Tongue tie?
ETA: my mom was also able to breastfeed me no problem from what she said.
@hayesrn the ENT residents come and clip ours in the well baby nursery if the pediatricians recommend it for being severe enough. Much easier to watch than a circ
For tongue-tied kids who come in after about 6 weeks of age (and are therefore usually feeding pretty well), it can be more difficult to perform the procedure in office due as the tongues/vessels supplying them have gotten bigger and you can have more bleeding. If there is a concern about speech development, etc going forward, the recommendation in our office is usually to wait until at least 9 months of age. At that age, it's generally considered safer to have a general anesthetic. I know recommendations and protocols may vary from place to place, but just wanted to offer up what info I have!