My husband grew up in our house w/ his 2 brothers, so someone always shared a room, but w/ my kids, I am pretty sure this one is a girl (according to my last u/s), so that dashes all plans of the 2 boys going in the big bedroom & my daughter staying in her girl room. Her room is 2 small for 2 girls. I know I could swap the rooms, but it's not that dad painted her room pink/green/white stripes, all done up w/ chair rail, my sons room is green/blue all done w/ chair rail. Not to mention, my sons bunk bed set would not fit in the little room (my daughters room). My husband said he would probably add a room on, but he doesn't have time for that. I know he doesn't & it will never happen.
Married since 8.17.03
Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14
Re: 2 bedrooms - 3 kids (different gender) - what did you do?
Honestly I would wait till the new baby is born to decide and have the baby in your room. But if I had 2 of 1 gender they would get the bigger room eventually.
Your oldest 2 could share the "boy" room until you get it figured out. They are too little to care about gender.
We have a similar situation, DS is in the bigger room, DD's room is very small. When we have #3 it will sleep in our room for a few months, then DS and DD will share the big room and baby will be in the very small room. Until they are older, then the 2 of the same gender will share the bigger room.
Did that make sense?
you have oodles of time for your two to share a room for now while baby is in the old smaller room. Then the girls get the boy room and he gets her room.
Lots of repainting but helluva easier and cheaper than BUILDING a new room!
Have you thought about a trundle bed?
I'd probably leave the rooms as they are for now. You might also leave the rooms as they are but store more of the toys in the bigger bedroom.