Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Unwell for the first time at 4 and a half months

Our poor little man has had a rough patch the last few weeks.

It's started off as a cold, which we saw the doctor about and confirmed twice it was "just" a cold.

We managed to get his nose clear but on Saturday night he had terrible fevers, which we managed to bring down and maintain with baby panadol.

Went to the doctor again Monday to let them know about fevers and get checked again. Doctor said fevers will start easing today but heard his cough and sent us to do a nasal and throat swab (it was terrible by the way) to make sure it's not whooping cough (which he has been vaccinated against) but better to be safe.

With all this he's had a tooth push through to his guns - hasn't gone through but I can feel it sitting there. Today he has started getting a bit of a rash around his mouth which at this stage we believe is because of teething, I also noticed today he was getting a slight rash on his belly which we were told is because of the last few days of fevers.

Man, parenting is hard sometimes. I wish I could take everything he is feeling to myself. I'd deal with any pain or discomfort for him!

Anyone been through fevers/teething this early in the game who can give me advice?

Thanks ☺️

Re: Unwell for the first time at 4 and a half months

  • Just went to the doctor today. I caught a cold from my allergies but it seems it was also something else that LO caught. But he's actually got a small wheezing in his lungs the doctor said was slight bronchitis ._. I have to watch him the next couple of days and see how he does. We've an appointment on Thursday to see the doc again :( It's super tough and stressful! And my being not at 100% isn't helping ._.

    Hope your LO gets well soon!
  • Just be there for him. Use a humidifier, suck the snot out and give lots of cuddles. It's hard but you can do it.
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  • It is hard when they are so little. The rash on the belly is most likely a viral rash. My girls always got one right after a fever and sickness. Hope he feels better soon.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Proud Mom to Kaleigh (14yr) Emma (12yr) and Hanna (7yr)

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