noticed my 2 1/2 yr old kept itching her head I jokingly said to my husband ugh what if she had way she's to young. Well, was I wrong she had flipping live from her Mother's Day out program I'm so ticked off I want to cry!! Finally did her hair my own (just in case) and washed all the bedding! I can't take this any longer...ready not to be huge and pregnant
Re: Might possibly kill someone vent
I really hope your daughters lice is gone soon.
I commend you for hopping on it and getting the area sprayed ! (I realize I am probably making you paranoid by sharing. Baaaah! ) I also just hate ticks with avengence. Too bad you can't put a tick collar on your kid...... Someone might call CPS...
Hang in there!
Also, people who don't pull their weight disgust me. There's a reason I'm not working right now.... I'm unable to pull my weight. Either do your job or bow out! We have a lot of nurses age 60 and up..... No one ever retires on our floor and some of them just downright refuse to take more than 1 patient and one always says,"I can't take her I'm practicing for retirement." Stop practicing lady and actually retire!!!!! Aggggh
I seriously want to punch everyone at work. I need to just stay at home and not have to deal with anyone.
As for the ticks...people in the south freak out about Lyme disease but I'm like uh Rocky Mountain spotted fever is waaaaay more scary. That can kill you. My mom had an acquaintance that didn't see the need to take her antibiotics with it and died. But like @klkonwi said Tick borne illnesses are rare and the tick must be latched on at least 24 hours.
Edit: LOL please don't use rid x on your hair. Total pregnancy brain there.