June 2015 Moms

Might possibly kill someone vent

noticed my 2 1/2 yr old kept itching her head I jokingly said to my husband ugh what if she had lice...no way she's to young. Well, was I wrong she had flipping live from her Mother's Day out program I'm so ticked off I want to cry!! Finally did her hair my own (just in case) and washed all the bedding! I can't take this any longer...ready not to be huge and pregnant

Re: Might possibly kill someone vent

  • tea tree oil in her shampoo! and pick through her hair to get all the eggs thats what my mom always did for my sister and i. make sure you wash all her stuffed toys as well.
  • This will sound weird and it can be hard to get out after but washing your hair with mayo will kill them and make your hair super soft.
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  • After you get rid of them.. Use hair gel in everyone's hair.. Or hairspray.. It keeps lice from latching on. I do this daily with all my children.
  • I'm so sorry. Make sure to wash any stuffed animals she slept with too. Best of luck!
  • We always did mayo in the hair, then covered it with saran wrap for about an hour. Smells horrible but your hair is soo soft afterward and it sufficates the lice
  • klkonwiklkonwi member
    edited June 2015
    @mrs1374a ticks are horrible where I am in Nebraska this year. 2 actual cases of Rocky Mountain spotted fever from ticks were treated at our hospital....... It's so rare that it was pretty unbelievable. Usually 250 cases a year in the US total ..... There are signs up on the trails in town warning ppl.

    I commend you for hopping on it and getting the area sprayed ! (I realize I am probably making you paranoid by sharing. Baaaah! ) I also just hate ticks with avengence. Too bad you can't put a tick collar on your kid...... Someone might call CPS...
  • I used a ton of baby oil in my hair one time and let it sit wrapped in a bag and towel and it really helped. They HATE greasy hair. Also bagging all soft items and even running things like her pillows through some really hot cycles through the washer and dryer a few times. Catching them early is the key, you don't want them breeding.
  • @klkonwi @KarasTwin OMG gross, gross!! I can not imagine if she for sick, I told my husband I will never forgive myself. Not that it's my fault, thankfully non of them even had time to bite her yet. I just pray I got them all. I checked her little body over probably 100 times. My husband was at work all night, so I made my mom come over and check my hair, my hair is so thick and literally almost black. There is no way I would have been able to see any. I'm going to check her head again this morning to make sure I didn't miss any.
  • Oh that sucks! Don't feel bad, when we brought DS home, we noticed one of the cats acting funny. She had fleas. They're both indoor only cats, so how did one gets fleas? Just what I wanted to deal with 5 days after delivering.

    Hang in there!
  • OK, not to hijack your thread, but I really need to vent right now. Due to the nature of my job, someone has to be available to answer the phones at all times (state rules). There are 6 people in my department. One is out sick today and one was in training, but for some reason the other 3 were logged out of the phone system which is used to rotate calls. I was the only one logged in and about to pee on myself. I finally looked at one of them who was just standing in the hall next to my cubicle (and has worked here 10 years) and said do you mind logging into the phone so I can go to the bathroom? She was like I just did. I was like, ok, well just a,minute ago (for at least 15 minutes) I was the only one logged in and I really have to pee. She just started laughing as I waddled to the bathroom as fast as I could. I can't wait for maternity leave.
  • jessieR358jessieR358 member
    edited June 2015
    Don't do the mayo and all that stuff. Go get the over the counter Nix and treat her hair!! if it makes you feel any better lice like clean hair...and they can't jump (people always think that).
    As for the ticks...people in the south freak out about Lyme disease but I'm like uh Rocky Mountain spotted fever is waaaaay more scary. That can kill you. My mom had an acquaintance that didn't see the need to take her antibiotics with it and died. But like @klkonwi said Tick borne illnesses are rare and the tick must be latched on at least 24 hours.

    Edit: LOL please don't use rid x on your hair. Total pregnancy brain there.
  • thanks for all the sympathy ugh I treated her last night and am STILL washing stuff SUCKS!!! I even treated myself just incase!!! I just feel itchy all over!

    Sorry about the ticks :( I would be freaking out as well! probably even worse than I was last night! 

    As far as going to the bathroom--I would have gave a death stare and then took my time for her laughing! 
  • ElRubyElRuby member
    Be really careful with what you spray your lawn with... The chemicals in those sprays are far worse than ticks... I believe they make all natural products or you can always get a guinea hen!
  • Hahaha @klkonwi I can't stop laughing hahaha
  • @ElRuby I know, we are on the search for something that's safe for our toddler and our pup.
  • kcave21 said:

    thanks for all the sympathy ugh I treated her last night and am STILL washing stuff SUCKS!!! I even treated myself just incase!!! I just feel itchy all over!

    Sorry about the ticks :( I would be freaking out as well! probably even worse than I was last night! 

    As far as going to the bathroom--I would have gave a death stare and then took my time for her laughing! 
    You can also stick linens in sealed garbage bags for a few weeks. It suffocates the lice and gives time for the eggs to hatch and suffocate as well.
  • ElRubyElRuby member
    mrs1374a said:

    @ElRuby I know, we are on the search for something that's safe for our toddler and our pup.

    Sentry makes a great product for dogs called natural defense ... It smells like a Christmas tree because it's mostly essential oils... Works great!
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