I told family who I wouldn't mind visiting me at the hospital and ones who I knew would respect my boundaries about visiting time, letting me have time for skin to skin, etc but anybody else I waited to let them know after DD was already born
If my doctor and I decide to go the induction route, I won't be telling anyone/ making an announcement about it because some of my family and friends have been awful, judge-y monsters whenever I make a comment about wanting my baby now. I'm 39 weeks so it's not like it's way too early!
I've told my family and close friends of my scheduled c section, but that's a little different than an induction which is a lot longer than a few hours.
I told work, but it's not scheduled yet. A few friends know, but they're helping with child and pet care. Family and other friends don't know nor do we plan on telling them.
I was supposed to be induced, she had other plans and came a day early. But I didn't tell anyone because I heard sometimes they fail and you never know how long it will take.
I gave in laws an idea that it would be sometime that weekend. Told my family for sure because they are 5 hrs away and they have set dates they are coming anyways. So we should be left alone.
I told CLOSE family & friends (ones who I would want to visit from out of town/watching animals). Otherwise I told DH to keep it off FB & we can act like I just had her that day to the world bc I frankly don't want to hear it. *if someone asks if we induced, I'll be glad to talk about it, but not advertising.
I had to tell a few people. We plan on going in alone and telling the few that will bring the kids to come on at a certain point. Other than that I'm not telling anyone anything but that he willl be here soon.
With DS I was induced and told many people. It wasn't a big announcement but most people knew. He didn't come until the following day and people were very respectful of our privacy. This time I am not getting induced. Same amount of respect of privacy. Just well wishes and people waiting for an announcement. Just tell who you are comfortable telling!
I only told my sister who is watching my daughter for obvious reasons.
My husband will get her the morning after baby is born and bring her to hospital to meet and get bonding time THEN we will announce and people can get over themselves. Lol
I might be getting induced tomorrow depending on my bp. Dh is going to tell his parents once we pass triage. I'm going to wait until lo is here before telling anyone. Dh will also tell our friends that are taking care of our dog. But our dog is like the best dog ever and we are only 5 minutes from the hospital so if we need to go feed him real quick it would be no problem. My sister lives in town but I don't want any visitors at the hospital so we are going to let her know when we go home. So stoked to meet lo my parents might get super pissed that I don't tell them right away but they will also insist on talking to me during labor so screw that.
I wish I hadn't. One doc told me I'd be induced Monday 5/18 following an appointment with a different OB, and that OB told me I wouldn't go in that night. Turns out I went in Friday 5/22 and delivered 5/24. Everyone planned for 6 days earlier than it was and was pretty inconvenient.
We only told my immediate family when we were getting induced with ds. I wanted it to be just family. I didn't want constant check ins from other people asking if he was born yet. I posted it to Facebook when I was ready for visitors after he was born. This time around my scheduled c-section is tomorrow. Only my immediate family knows again. We're having twins this time, so everyone knows it's going to be any day. If I'm not at work a day, my phone blows up with texts and calls asking if I'm in the hospital. I don't want any visitors right away, so we'll again announce when we're ready for visitors to come up.
If we end up going that route, we'll give a handful of people the heads up. My in-laws, since they're dog-sitting. Also, a few colleagues who are helping me with court coverage. We don't have any family members with poor boundaries about this kind of thing, so I'm not worried about having people parked in the waiting room or anything like that.
we were induced on Wednesday and told quit a few friends and family. I wish we hadn't because it was four days long and I was so irritated with All the check ins. People were asking if I had the baby even before my induction was started. I put my phone away and didn't even look at it for over a day because I couldn't handle it.
@happygardner85 yes. The hardest part was people's frustration at me for not keeping them constantly updated. I went in Friday at 6 pm and delivered Sunday at 12:30 am, which isn't crazy long, but I made almost zero progress until later Saturday night, so not only did I have nothing to update, but SORRY for not having the time to text back. I was a LITTLE busy laboring. :-w
I'm being induced Tuesday. We only told our parents and my grandma who lives 6 hours away and wanted time to get here. everyone else will have to wait until he's here.
Just one couple knows specifics and 2 people at work know I won't be in today If it wasn't for the child care issue, we probably wouldn't have told anyone.
@klkonwi There was no way in hell we were telling our families.
Just one couple knows specifics and 2 people at work know I won't be in today If it wasn't for the child care issue, we probably wouldn't have told anyone.
@klkonwi There was no way in hell we were telling our families.
I am seriously so happy and relieved for you, @Sammy K I can't wait to hear about how much better this experience is for you!
I've told my sisters (that's my immediate family since they're the ones who raised me) and I've told people at work bc they kind of have to know and my best friend. DH will probably tell his parents since they want to come visit after.
I don't think I'll tell anyone else....like all the people that keep bugging me everyday? Nah. You can keep waiting .
I'm having a scheduled c section and we had to tell so my mom would be there with me when DH has to leave the next morning. My family lives almost 2 hours away and my mom will be helping me till DH gets home, since she's the babysitter for my niece we had to tell my sister so she could get backup childcare. Since we had to tell my family, it's only fair that we tell DH's. I talked to him and decided to post on Facebook what was going on before his mom did or blabbed to someone else who would. DH has explained that it's major surgery and that everyone has to be respectful of how I feel when it comes to visitors. I decided I'd rather be in control of it rather than someone else.
I haven't told my family (mother, brothers, aunt and grandma) the exact induction date/time because we don't want them worrying or asking for updates while I'm in labor. I want only DH there in the delivery room and I want ample time to bond with baby afterwards with no visitors till later. My family knows I'm being induced before my due date but they don't know exactly when. I have let the induction date/time slip to many friends and acquaintances though. It's too exciting to keep to myself.
Also my family had a friendly bet (each put in $10) about when I would have my baby and we each chose 3 dates. One of the dates I bet on happens to be my induction date (I chose those date predictions before my induction date was set). But if things drag on a really long time and the baby's not born till the next day, my brother will win the bet! So that's another reason I want to just wait till we know the birthday and then surprise them!
Re: Tell anyone about your induction date?
*if someone asks if we induced, I'll be glad to talk about it, but not advertising.
My husband will get her the morning after baby is born and bring her to hospital to meet and get bonding time THEN we will announce and people can get over themselves. Lol
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
I do get scared my sister will hog my baby while she's here the first week lol
All the check ins. People were asking if I had the baby even before my induction was started. I put my phone away and didn't even look at it for over a day because I couldn't handle it.
Anyone else sharing their induction dates?
If it wasn't for the child care issue, we probably wouldn't have told anyone.
@klkonwi There was no way in hell we were telling our families.
I don't think I'll tell anyone else....like all the people that keep bugging me everyday? Nah. You can keep waiting .
Also my family had a friendly bet (each put in $10) about when I would have my baby and we each chose 3 dates. One of the dates I bet on happens to be my induction date (I chose those date predictions before my induction date was set). But if things drag on a really long time and the baby's not born till the next day, my brother will win the bet! So that's another reason I want to just wait till we know the birthday and then surprise them!